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  1. Neighbor rode their Coleman with the park brake apparently not fully released. Needless to say, things got pretty hot and even started smoking and the smoke was definitely gear oil smell. Looks like oil is coming from the area just behind the disc for the park break. Looking at parts diagram, there is an oring behind the nut/washer that attaches the flange to pinion shaft. I'm not finding anything on YT that would help with disassembly. Anyone have some experience with removing rear driveshaft ?
  2. It could be a combination of heat from engine and fuel pressure too high for the plastic filters. Plastic filters are generally suited for gravity fuel feed or very low pressure. I did not measure the pressure on mine but I had initially installed a plastic inline filter and it immediately began to leak. That is why I chose to go with the metal filter.
  3. If you look back in this thread, I posted a pic of the filter I installed. It was a 10 micron metal filter.
  4. I used Royal Purple 10w 30 exclusively in my Coleman 550 for the entire time I had it. Changed the oil twice a year. After changing out the fuel lines and adding the 10 micron fuel filter, it was problem free for me. I put 1,300 miles on it exclusively on my property here in east texas.
  5. Its pretty crude but works great. Basically I used an all-thread that I bent 90 deg. Put a small split ring in the cable. I searched for a smaller (shorter) spring but was never successful in finding one.
  6. I was having the same problem and was never able to get it adjusted. I ended up taking the spring out and rigging it differently. I'll take a pic and send it when I get back out to my shop.
  7. As I understand the function of the NOID Tester, it basically just tests for a signal to the injector (ie., light flashes when signal is received, correct ? I just use my 12v test light for that test, but if the NOID also tests for the length and strength of the signal, I would look at purchasing one. I do have the injector pulse tool and have checked/cleaned injectors in the past. That was early on when I'd first purchased this SXS. As Aefron88 mentioned (all the typical fuel related issues), I was basically fouling up an injector per tank of gas until I drained/cleaned the fuel tank, installed a high pressure 10 micron inline filter and replaced all the fuel hoses. After that, I did not have any issues and have put over 400 miles on it since. As mentioned in the first post, I had noticed a bit of a rough idle and sometimes if I would leave it idling while I would go open gate or unload something, it would die, so while I was in process of servicing it (oil/filter, air filter, etc), I decided to put one of the serviced injectors in it. That did not turn out well as it ran worse. I ended up putting the injector that was in it back in and it is running fine now. I did purchase a new injector to install if it begins giving me problems again. What I really hate is the process for resetting the ECU. That just does not seem right to me.......
  8. I don't trust those listed on Amazon. OEM injector through Coleman is $119, and through Motorcycle Doc, they are $68. I'm more interested in finding a quality injector than what the cost is. The shop I used cleans my injectors for my Yamaha outboard and I've had really good results with them, but I think the injectors for the Coleman are probly just "use and toss" quality.
  9. Has anyone found a good source to purchase quality injectors for the Coleman Outfitter 550 ? I've used Motorcycle Doctor on eBay in the past but havent had to purchase one in almost 2 yrs now. Mine was running a bit rough at idle and dying sometimes so I had two that I had cleaned and tested at an injector shop. Put one in that had the best performance curve and it ran worse. Pulled it and installed the other one and couldn't even get the engine to start so I put the old one back in. Its running ok now, just want to get a new one to install
  10. Back in February, we decided to buy a new Honda Pioneer 1000. Took a bit to find one but finally scooped one up from a dealer about 2 hrs away. Once we got it home, I had plans to clean up the Coleman and sell it. Well, got it all cleaned up and posted it on FB Marketplace and had a few folks very interested with my asking price higher than what I'd paid for it. I'd always go through all the issues I had with it when talking to a perspective buyer and I'd get that look that tells you they might be a bit hesitant. The thing is, these are mechanical machines. They have quirks and things you learn and know about as you own it. Nothing I've had happen to the Coleman gives me concern so far. Ultimately, one guy was very interested but wanted me to come down on pricing...... Wife and I talked about it and decided to just keep it. I certainly could not find another SxS that has been maintained like this one if I decided to get another one so I use the Coleman and my wife drives the Honda Its now been about 1.5 yrs since I purchased this SxS. If you look back at some of my posts, I had a few issues with running rough when I first got it. Since then, I've changed the injector, all fuel lines and added a 10 micron inline fuel filter. Put about 320 or so miles on it after all that. I've done 2 oil changes (using Royal Purple synthetic) and have pretty much followed all the maintenance guidelines, including cleaning and inspecting the muffler baffle. One thing that was persistent was it would start right up first thing in the morning and when it would cycle through the startup diagnostic checks, it would start to idle rough and even die some of the time. It would start right up and be ok, but that would be the norm for first start in morning. Several months ago, I met the owner of a company called Motor Purr located here in Hemphill. One of his products is a Gas & Diesel Fuel Injector cleaner. The owner asked if I'd like to try some of his product so I got a few bottles and started to add it to my gas when fueling up. Its been about 3 weeks since I added it to a fresh tank of fuel, and it has really started to idle better (even better than it had been) and that stutter/die problem on first startup has completely gone away. I'm going to continue using the additive and monitoring performance of the Coleman and see how things go. I currently have 650 miles on it, 98% of those miles have been right here on my property. I don't abuse it, or go mud riding like some folks.
  11. Not sure on the relay (or if it has one) but I do know if the driver's seat belt is not fastened, it will be limited on how fast it can go.
  12. I'm pretty sure there was an arrow indicating flow direction on the one I purchased. If there is not any indication (like the one you got) most likely it could flow either direction . I looked at the Amazon listing but there is no indication of micron size so I would be hesitant to use it. It seems the injectors on these Colemans (HiSun) are pretty finicky when it comes to filtration.
  13. Got it from Summit Racing. Proly be able to get elsewhere. If I remember right, I couldn't find anything on Amazon to take advantage of my Prime membership:
  14. Yes, absolutely . It is very important to come to a complete stop
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