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  1. Bentley76


  2. Just wanted to tell you I don't mind paying for the shipping or the part. If you've got paypal maybe I can just send you the money for it. Thanks

  3. I am working on a ride for a friend of mine, it is a Gunner 250. Machine was parked last year because it wouldn't idle right. It would idle way up then back down to almost stalling so they parked it. His kid now wants to ride it again so we've gotten it out. First thing we did was drain old gas and re-fill. Changed filter and spark plug. It will start right up but immediately dies. Checked for fuel pressure it and it is good. You can spray starting fluid in fuel injection and it will do the same thing. Fires right up then dies. Anyone have a clue what this could be? I appreciate any help I can get! Thanks
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