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About MuleRider

  • Birthday 11/20/1974

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  1. Interesting thanks..... The comment you made about the strain applied repeatedly over a small segment is why they said steel doesn't work well. They said a kink tends to develop.
  2. Thank you Travis. Yes that is VRX 45-S Winch Kit you linked is what they are proposing to replace the original wire rope type. They are telling me that Ranch version only comes standard with the wire type......that you can't buy it originally with the synthetic version. Seems ridiculous to me that I have to end up buying both types but they tell me I have no choice.
  3. MuleRider


  4. Hi there... Amateur here.......in process of finalizing a purchase of a 2021 Kawasaki Mule PRO-FXT Ranch Edition. We have 60 acres of well suited land for riding and are finally pulling the trigger on a side by side. After some research and test driving we settled on the Mule PRO-FXT. We plan to make the purchase now and then likely add a snow plow next fall (though we're not certain of this). Due to the color (that my wife wants) and the features, it makes more sense for us to get the Ranch version than the LE. That said, the winch that comes with the Ranch edition apparently doesn't accommodate a synthetic cable which is what they recommend for use with a snow plow. So......I would have to buy a 2nd winch kit to replace the existing. I'm disappointed they can't work something out with me to swap them out rather than me buying another one but that is where I find myself. I need to buy it from this dealer (long story that is not interesting.....but this is the only option I have). The quote for the new winch kit is $710 + $147 for labor. In any event, I'm looking for any thoughts more experienced people might have. My tentative plan is just to leave the original winch on until next fall, then swap them out when I confirm I want to add a snow plow. Or should I consider removing the original winch while it is brand new and try to sell it on the secondary market? Would it be difficult to sell? I would also appreciate any recommendations on the plow itself. Does it make sense getting it through the dealer or are there other types/brands you would recommend? One thing I found slightly confusing is that the dealer said the Ranch winch doesn't come with a remote switch.....you have to use the switch on the dash. But maybe that is only with the original winch. I would think having a remote hand held switch would be advantageous when moving snow. Hope these aren't silly questions. I really appreciate any insights you can provide.
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