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Everything posted by Blair

  1. When I see that weird name, I just look at it. I've never even tried to pronounce it. I didn't see any benefit from it.
  2. You know, I grew up in the South. I love the South. I grew up on Chevrolet/GMC, Ford and Chrysler. Pretty much in that order. In 2010 I bought a Kia Sportage (Korean) mainly because Consumer Report gave it top ratings and it came with a 10 Year - 100,000 mile warranty. Well, fast forward to 2021. I swear, all I've put into it is 1 battery, 1 set of tires and a brake job. So...yeah
  3. The infamous Honda three wheeler. I had many a friend that got injured on one of those. Usually a shoulder injury if you're lucky. You know it's bad when the government steps in and bans them. Like the lawn darts (remember? I had some!), the original MB200 minibike (people got killed from faulty forks) beanbags, pop rocks, clackers (acrylic balls on sting) original easy bake oven with a 60 watt bulb. Yea, I'm as old as dirt. I remember getting that cymbal clapping chimp for Christmas, it had these really creepy bulging eyes. Main problem was we only had general purpose batteries back then (no alkaline) they only lasted about 30 minuets and were kinda expensive. I digress...
  4. BTW I had Mr Machine too. We're both geezers.
  5. Dang man. Now that is a backstory. That is important information to me. I'm a small business owner, same company now for 34 years. I was actually considering applying to be a dealer for Massimo. My nearest authorized dealer is in Kentucky! I thought I could set the woods on fire with sales in the Metro Davidson/Nashville Area. There's 2 million people out here and no Hisun dealer. With your added valuable info, I think I would rather maintain my reputation and especially my sanity. At any rate, I got a real laugh out loud to your: "getting tired of screwing". That's funny... I should be so lucky.
  6. That's just crazy. That's not the first time I've heard of a really bad experience with Massimo. Seems like some units run for years with hardly any maintenance ever needed and some are just poorly assembled. While checking Massimo's online reviews, some ex-employees leave poor reviews on how bad/sucks, it is to work for Massimo. So far, I repeat.... so far, mine seems to be running fine. It only has 4 hours, I'm trying to give it a proper break in. We'll see how it develops. It has jumped out of gear one time during acceleration. I hope it was just a user error, It hasn't done again...yet.
  7. That's some interesting stuff, I'd like to know that backstory.
  8. That's some interesting stuff. I'd like to know that backstory.
  9. Oh no, unbelievable! I guess I better try and check that 1st. Thanks Joe.
  10. That's what I'll try. I'll keep you posted. Thanks man, you Rock!
  11. That's it Cliff!!! I have access to the one in the middle. I couldn't to figure out how to adjust/tighten. Should I engage the brake and then tighten the nut in the middle diagram. Or should I do the opposite. I'm thinking this is where you tighten the brake.
  12. Good info! That had not crossed my mind. Thanks
  13. Joe, Yea, mine was too loose from the factory as well, delivered to my place like that. It has always topped out when you engage it. My driveway has a slight slope and it won't even hold my little 2 seater SxS. My unit was delivered incomplete, I'm still waiting on cosmetic parts for over a month. My experience has been that everyone is waiting on China deliveries. Not just Massimo, but also my local SxS tire and accessories shop, Side By Side Stuff, Rocky Mountain.com, everyone is having shipping/receiving problems. I can't get the exact wheels and tires that I want due to shipping delays. I'm going with D.O.T. tires. I'm customizing mine to be pavement queen. I live in Nashville, TN. Downtown is a lot like Vegas, it never sleeps and it is always bumpin'. You see all kinds of alternative transportation down there. (mobile bars, mobile hot tubs, mobile Karaoke, on & on) My tricked out Massimo will fit right in. My neighbor wants to buy it. I say show me the money! Blair
  14. Hi Cliff, I had seen that illustration. Unfortunately the mechanics on mine are entirely different that the picture. I tired calling Massimo support, but they tend to give you the run around. There has been a lot of turn over at Massimo. I hope when the smoke clears over there, that it's an improvement. Odes has even less support. I can't even find a "service manual" like I have for my sea-doo's. They tell you how to fix/adjust everything.
  15. Hi Cliff, With your info and after inspection, I found the parking brake cable leads to single rotor on the rear axel. The adjustment I was referring to is the handle. Pulling the handle all the way up operates fine, but has only the slightest braking function to hold the UTV in place. Thank you for the in depth explanation. ----------Blair
  16. Thanks Travis. Yes, I has seen that. Unfortunately for me, the design has entirely changed. I wish massimo would do an update. Appreciate the effort.
  17. Hey Crew, Can anyone give me any info on how to access the hand brake adjustment on a Massimo 2021 MSU 800? I didn't know if you remove the seat/console OR skid plate. Appreciate any help. Hope some of you are getting out today, Spring is here!
  18. Appreciate the info brother. Good to know.
  19. Thought the same thing.
  20. Well...I guess I need to reconsider my mod. I sure didn't account for all of that. I shoulda mentioned, it's going to be a street legal pavement queen. I'm getting DOT tires and thought it would be nice to beef it up just a little since I'm going to get new wheels as well. Can you suggest anything to me? BTW appreciate the in depth research/knowledge.
  21. Can some one tell be that max size of tires I can put on my MSU 800? It comes stock with 26" tires, I want to put 29 inch tires. Can I do that without damaging my SXS? Thanks in advance! ----Blair
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