Well, I finally got it off. Used a combination of techniques. I had tried the screwdriver thing from underneath. Limited space to get any leverage. Craig, I had purchased one of the Lisle tools. Tried it but couldn't get it to grip correctly. So, I went up top. I had to remove what appears to be a breather tube that vents the crankcase/transmission. Had a little more room to maneuver . Tried that Lisle tool again; no luck. Went back to screwdriver technique, got it to budge slightly. Did it a couple of times. Incremental movement. Then I went to a different tool from Lisle I think. Looks like channel locks but with oil filter shaped jaws. Got them on Amazon but available at most auto parts stores. Come in a 2-pack, small and large. Once I got the filter to budge, I applied the grippers and was able to rotate the filter to a point where I could hand loosen it. Success!! Finally! Put everything back together, test drove, no leaks. Beer-thirty!
Next was the first oil change on my riding lawnmower. Same issue, over-torqued filter. Used the method as above. I think the manufacturer over-torques some items to make sure they don't loosen during over seas shipping. That's my story, and I'm sticking to it😄
Thanks for the suggestions guys!
Craig, from your picture with the out-building with the Texas flag I would guess you live in Texas. I do. Out in the Hill Country, near Fredericksburg. West of Austin, northwest of San Antonio.