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  • Birthday December 1

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  1. meneb2


  2. Well, I finally got it off. Used a combination of techniques. I had tried the screwdriver thing from underneath. Limited space to get any leverage. Craig, I had purchased one of the Lisle tools. Tried it but couldn't get it to grip correctly. So, I went up top. I had to remove what appears to be a breather tube that vents the crankcase/transmission. Had a little more room to maneuver . Tried that Lisle tool again; no luck. Went back to screwdriver technique, got it to budge slightly. Did it a couple of times. Incremental movement. Then I went to a different tool from Lisle I think. Looks like channel locks but with oil filter shaped jaws. Got them on Amazon but available at most auto parts stores. Come in a 2-pack, small and large. Once I got the filter to budge, I applied the grippers and was able to rotate the filter to a point where I could hand loosen it. Success!! Finally! Put everything back together, test drove, no leaks. Beer-thirty! Next was the first oil change on my riding lawnmower. Same issue, over-torqued filter. Used the method as above. I think the manufacturer over-torques some items to make sure they don't loosen during over seas shipping. That's my story, and I'm sticking to it😄 Thanks for the suggestions guys! Craig, from your picture with the out-building with the Texas flag I would guess you live in Texas. I do. Out in the Hill Country, near Fredericksburg. West of Austin, northwest of San Antonio. Mark
  3. Changing the oil on the vehicle. replacing oil filter too. Holy crap. tight spaces, over-torqued filter. cant get it off. Have tried every filter wrench out there. cant get a good angle for me to torque it off. Ideas?
  4. Unbelievable. I have never heard of such a thing. I will try it and keep you posted. I would be interested in your defeat device. I hope you have recovered from your surgery and are feeling well. Mark
  5. I just picked up a 2020 Coleman UT 400. Overall, seems like a nicely made machine. But like CliffyK, the owner's manual is absolutely useless. my engine is also reverse mounted, i like the instrument cluster, for the most part. My issue is: in F gear it stalls as I try to accelerate. I cant make it over 10 mph and 4K rpm. Like it is running out of gas, or there is a vacuum lock. I opened the hood and found there is an electronic speed limitor. Was thinking of disconnecting it to see what would happen but thought I would check with you guys first. I can get good RPMs in neutral and in R. At slow speeds in the sticks, F seems to work fine. Also, I cant the gas gauge to get an accurate reading; I can see gas in the filler tube. Also, the coolant reservoir was empty. Next, there are two big black tubes on either side of the crankcase not connected to anything. Part of emissions control system? Very odd. Advice/comments??? Had polaris quads for years, very different
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