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About Arkansasjumper

  • Birthday July 29

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  1. Mine didn’t come with the side rock guards unfortunately. I called Massimo to quote buying some but they want more than they are worth.
  2. Update. Installed 27x9x12 in front and 27x11x12 in rear. No spacer required to gain clearance and no noticeable impact to steering/ handling. Slight impact on stopping power at higher speeds. Did gain 1 1/2in extra clearance in front and back. I’ll update as issues arise that I feel relate to this.
  3. Thanks for the reply. I ride a handful of times a year in the Ozark mountains where I constantly have issue with big rocks hitting the skid plate and a few off camber situations. My plan is to only run the bigger tires and spacers for these rides and keep the stock wheels as is for around the house applications. I feel like it will hold up for 40-50miles at a time 3-4 times a year. Just seeing if anyone has issues or experience with these
  4. Wanting put some 27in wheels on my t-boss with a 1 inch spacer. Anyone have hub or axles issues with bigger wheels so far?
  5. For those who maybe concerned about their fan running 100 percent of the time like in really cold weather, I found a solution. I bypassed the thermostat like Joe said but I wired each end and tied them into a standard 20amp rocker switch. Now I manually control turning the fan on and off. Got the stuff at auto parts store and did install about 30 minutes.
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