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Everything posted by BlueFlag

  1. I wish it were that easy, but I don't believe you are correct. If you look back through the thread, I asked if the gear indicator display on the speedo head was working correctly and he said that it was. This verifies that the proper signal is being received by the speedo head from the gearshift lever position switch. If you also look at the posted video, you clearly see the "N" for neutral being displayed even after the POST (power-on, self test) has completed. The fact that the light goes out after the POST with the "N" displayed points to a defect in the speedo head logic, rather than a grounding issue. I could be wrong, but that is where the diagnostic path takes us. IMHO this really is a minor point, since the light is pretty much redundant. I have the same speedo on my TB550F and I rarely even notice it.
  2. OK, now I see it. I presume that the light stays off when the shifter is in Neutral and the engine has started. With the limited service data available and not having opened one up, my best guess is a defective meter head. Without a detailed schematic of the speedometer module, the source of the signal for the light is unknown. The service manual only has a wiring diagram which does not show an external source for the light. What you are seeing is a condition where all indicators are lit as part of the power on self test, but the Neutral light is normally inhibited during this process if the shift lever switch is out of the neutral position. Sorry.
  3. That's good. The shift lever switch should be OK. I would now be looking at at a bad ground for the light, or wiring harness damage that would allow +12 to appear on the ground side of the light when the main switch is on. Trouble is that the schematic doesn't have a detail of the meter showing where the Neutral light gets it's signal. Is this a HISUN or LINHAI unit? The only service data I have is for the LINHAI chassis.
  4. Does the display show the proper gearshift position for all gears? (R-N-H-L)
  5. Simple check before you dig into the switch is to look at the winch motor terminals to see if the +/- cables match the motor markings.
  6. My advice is to get rid of that battery right now. Don't care how old it is or isn't. You are not getting the cranking amperage needed and are not doing the starter, keyswitch or starter drive any favors. Don't get another N-Everstart regular battery. SLA-AGM (Sealed Lead-Acid, Absorbent Glass Mat) batteries are the only way to go, unless you want to pay an exorbitant amount for a gel cell unit. Consign your existing battery to the lawnmower where it belongs. Also, beware of some of the AGM battery ratings as the Chinese manufacturers tend to be "overly optimistic". Interstate make a decent one if you want to shop locally. The above is assuming that the battery terminals and grounding bolts are clean, bright, and not frayed. Check this FIRST! 🏁
  7. Yes! The U1 battery format is one of the shortsighted design issues in the 550 series. It is completely unsuitable for a UTV, but that is the hand we are dealt.I assume that you use the same battery in your 410. Just buy the biggest and best unit that will fit in the tray. I bought an AGM 350 CCA battery from Amazon. (ASIN: B0CKSKHDM6) There may be others that fit in that space, but my issue was resolved using the Sealed AGM (Absorbent Glass Mat) construction rather than the flooded lead acid design. And NEVER buy a N-EVERSTART battery from the Big Wally if you want to get home! 🏁
  8. While I can fully understand Joe B's unhappy experience and his recommendation to go elsewhere, I believe that his unit is/was a HiSun. Those units have been shown to be very suspect, and Massimo was way undercapitalized to support the dealer network and their customers. On the other hand, my 2020 T-Boss 500-F (with the steel box w/dropdown sides) is a Linhai chassis. Except for a few design quibbles (front hood access, oil change mess, inadequate hitch mount and excessive reach with the steel box, overly bright display at night, etc), I have found that the Linhai version to be a solid, reliable, entry-level SXS. I've had the steering wheel loosen up (6 Phillips head screws) and the windscreen brackets needed realignment. I also replaced the 300 CCA U1 Lead acid battery that was OEM, with a 350 CCA AGM U1 battery. That solved the occasional cold start stall and kick back against the starter. The OEM flooded lead acid battery is just too small. Works OK in my lawnmower, though. 😒 I use mine for general banging around my land that has somewhat rough terrain, and I am also equipping as a fast-response vehicle to fight remote wildland fires. Bottom line is that I wouldn't ever consider buying a used 2019 or earlier Massimo or any other brand that uses the HiSun chassis of any vintage. 🏁
  9. Did you bleed the entire brake system according to the Service Manual?
  10. I agree completely with removing the belly pan as part of the oil change. Only 6 screws hold it on, and they are easily removed with a drill driver and socket. I just got done doing the oil change on my 2022 Massimo 550F (Linhai 493, w/oversize dropside steel bed), All of the grief I endured with oil splurt, oil filter drainage and dropped parts & tools made me regret not removing that pan. Besides, at this point you also have the opportunity to clean the dirt, mud and stones that have accumulated in the area under the engine. RR
  11. "Tis true. Here is the link: https://www.colemanpowersportsusa.com/blog/ppg-press-release Understand that Coleman Powersports is a separate company from the Coleman Co., which is a wholly owned subsidiary of the Newell Corp. Coleman Powersports USA uses the Coleman name under license.
  12. I have had my TBoss 550 F (Linhai) for a year and a half. I've used it extensively and the only issue was the steering wheel screws loosened slightly. Big deal. Updated 4/26/2024: Been having some starting issues. The starter would stall then the engine would kickback against the starter with a bang. Was afraid that I would break the starter or damage the ring gear. So, I replaced the 300 CCA U1 Lead acid battery that was OEM, with a 350 CCA AGM U1 battery. That solved the occasional cold start stall and kick back against the starter. The OEM flooded lead acid battery is just too small. Works OK in my lawnmower, though. 😒 Issue resolved.
  13. BlueFlag


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