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Lance Darbonne

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  1. Guys, I want to thank you for all of your help, as well as let you know what the problem was. I went on an out of state trip after my last post, so hadn't had time to get back on this unit until lately. During my initial troubleshooting, i was on the drivers side working on the unit and my granpa was on the other side. When i went back to verify the injector had a good spray pattern, i was not getting any fuel out. I wiggled something and it started spraying again. I leaned over to look at the fuel pump and noticed fresh oil. Traced it to the oil filter which was barely hanging on. So, the whole problem was an oil filter with the wrong thread type was installed. It screwed on, but over time, and with vibration, came loose and fouled the threads on the filter. After it started spewing oil, i guess the low oil sensor was engaging causing the bike to dye intermittantly, until the oil was never able to reach the sensor. I ordered a new filter, installed, and topped off the oil, and now she is running great. The only thing i wonder is why i was getting fuel and fire with pretty much no oil? I would figure that the sensor would kill the fuel or the fire???
  2. No smell in the cylinder. Ill have to check the oil
  3. Thanks Guys, the thing that was puzzling me was that the injector was sending fuel, but the spark plug remained dry, which is why i asked about valve timing, but it does make sense what cliffyk said. When i pulled the injector, it didn't really send a fine mist, but wasn't a solid stream, but it is sending fuel. What would cause that fuel not to go into the cylinder?
  4. Massimo 500 wont start. Pulled the injector and when i turn the key it sprays a lot of fuel, but the spark plug is dry. What would be my next step? Valve adjustment?
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