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Savage3 last won the day on October 11 2021

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  1. The tps should be a 5v reference. The voltage will range from .5 to 4.5v when slowly opening and closing the throttle with key on. (Check manual for specific model and voltage reference) Black probe to ground and red probe to signal wire. No need for static resistance testing, dynamic testing will reveal the problem. Hope this helps...
  2. Savage3


  3. Red-start relay Black-voltage regulator Y/R-brake interlock switch. I'm going off memory, so check for continuity to ensure this is correct. If I remember correctly, there is a 10 A fuse on the start relay circuit that may have blown. Generally speaking, when a fuse blows, there is a reason. So, try to find the problem if that is the case sir.
  4. Compression is an important factor as you know. I'd check it again, make sure no mistakes were made in top end. Have you looked closely at the spark? For instance, when it dies, is it because it is losing spark? Is something grounding the circuit or is it losing ground? How about fuel? Is it losing fuel after start? For instance, if you sprayed fuel source directly to intake after start will it keep running? Is there a safety switch shorting to ground immediately after starting? Verify these things and get back to us. Maybe someone else has some ideas as well. Hope this gives you some ideas Boss
  5. Well sir, assuming your assessment and troubleshooting is top notch, the next possible issue could be a loose wire. I'd check the ground circuit 1st. Follow positive wire to starter solenoid, make sure it is tight. Follow ground wire to frame, make sure it is tight. What was the voltage reading on battery? Did you find the main fuse when you checked the fuses? Does the neutral light come on?
  6. Great success with Startron. No problems, I also use non ethanol gas.
  7. I use the regular tools in any small engine shop. DVOM, compression tester, leak down tester...etc. I use a GTC 505 for ignition related issues.
  8. I suspect this problem will reappear. When it does, check the current draw on the starting circuit.
  9. The destroyed fuse is the machines way of making you aware that an electrical problem exists. I would find the problem before it causes more damage. Begin by finding a service manual. Next, use ohms law and begin testing.
  10. Good idea! Worth a try for sure! No cost, no harm, no foul!
  11. This is not the same equipment, but, will get you in the ballpark! You will have to research the specs for Axis. The concept is the same, basically, the TPS is a potentiometer that is feeding information back to PCM that controls timing. ( In a nut shell) Trying to keep it simple...... Use this link to grasp basic fundamentals, then study how tps works.....then perform test
  12. The definition of insanity is to continue doing the same thing and expect a different result. You already performed the TPS replacement twice! I agree, that diagnosis doesn't sound reasonable. Is there information we haven't heard of this far? Hate to see you spend more money and not correct the problem. Look for low voltage input at the TPS. Must be a poor signal.....
  13. What is the voltage coming into the TPS? Is fuel making it to the throttle body? Is fuel making its way to the spark plug? If so, how much?
  14. Decel pop is usually a result of unburnt fuel in chamber. Your air fuel ratio is off
  15. Now that sounds more like it!
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