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  1. spp1


  2. Hi The link below should take you to the Delta Q website, halfway down the page are the links to download the 'Simple IC Data Analysis Tool (IDAT)'. From what I can see it's just a monitoring tool and for interest really, I guess it might show if your not charging as well as you think Software & Accessories - Delta-Q Technologies
  3. Hi - Update on the squeaks..... WD40 on the shocks and the real nasty squeak ahs gone... thanks. On a slightly different note has anyone been adventurous enough to use the 'Delta-Q' software to monitor the battery charging ....apparently it's just plug in a USB stick to the charger to download the info, then install free software to view on a PC.
  4. Hi Guys Thanks for all the quick responses, much appreciated. I'll check out the hidden grease points , try the spray on the shock and chase the dealer for a manual.
  5. Hi Just got an E1 and am trying to source a service manual....any suggestions apart from a dealer? The owners manual is fairly basic, with no mention of the regime for greasing the suspension (there seems to be multiple grease points). The silent running is great ....only spoiled by an annoying front suspension squeak.... hence the question!
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