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  1. dspikes


  2. I am looking to replace the fuel injector on my Bennche Bighorn 400. It calls for part #16400-003C-0000, but the fuel injector part #16400-004C-0000 is much cheaper. Are they compatible? Thanks, in advance, for your help!
  3. Thanks, Travis! Great idea! I think that would work!
  4. Wow! Scrubcadet10, you must be all over the place! I had actually taken one picture before I installed the new donut and springs. It's hard to tell, but there is about a 1-2" space right underneath the joint that you see. The pipe is held up by the muffler on one end and exhaust manifold on the other. It just sort of floats in between. It probably doesn't need anything at all..... I just didn't understand why the springs all broke and the donut cracked. I figured that maybe it was from this joint being able to flex a little since it was floating, if that makes any sense.
  5. I have a Bennche Bighorn 400. I happened to be checking the fuel pump, and when I looked down, I saw that the donut between the muffler pipe and the exhaust manifold was split, and the springs (I only found 3 of the 4) were all lying there, broken. I purchased a new donut and springs, and installed everything. In order to get a good fit, and to get the springs installed, I had to put something under that joint to prop it up, otherwise it would sag. I used a piece of lumber about 2" thick as a temporary prop. Once I got everything installed, I was able to remove my prop. I think I'd like to put another prop under that joint, just to give it a little extra support. My question is, what could I use that wouldn't cave or burn under the heat of the muffler? Thanks!
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