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Everything posted by Ricanuck

  1. Not sure if this would be an option for your 550: I'm using a 72" KFI plow on my Hisun Sector 750 - works well. Driveway is 350'+ x 12'. One pass down the middle and then one on either side. (photo is UTV with plow at the dealer's - was delivered that way). Note - need to manually adjust plow angle.
  2. I bought a new Hisun Sector 750 in Jan. 2021 mainly due to price and features. I also bought a plow with it to clear snow from my 350' driveway during the 2021 winter since we couldn't go south due to covid. Like Alien10 I use it primarily to haul firewood on our 75ac property and although licensed and insured I rarely take it out on the public roads. I don't abuse it but don't baby it either. I've used the winch a lot to haul large logs out of the bush to where I can easily cut them up and haul the pieces back to my wood pile. Other than the first winter, it's stored in an uninsulated shed in the winter - only storage prep is to add and circulate sufficient fuel stabilizer. I've left the battery in and cables attached - so far it has fired right up in the spring. I have about 75 hours on the clock. As for maintenance, other than oil changes, I've been fortunate - just an issue with steering last spring when it would suddenly jerk to the left while driving in a straight line. It was an intermittent and baffling problem. Also fortunately I found a sales/repair shop 10 miles from me that also handles Hisun and they were able to solve the problem. All in all, I've had a positive experience with my UTV and it's doing what I need it to do. YMMV
  3. Ricanuck


  4. Given all the negatives I've read about Hisun on this forum I certainly don't want to come across as a shill for them. Maybe I've been lucky but my Sector 750 which I bought new in Jan. 2021 has been running fine. However, I only have 65 hours on it so far and don't push it too hard - snowplowing in winter (350x12' driveway), winching logs and hauling firewood on my 75ac. I keep it stored out of the elements in a shed. Good luck with the search.
  5. I bought my HiSUN 750 Sector about 2 years ago - have about 70 hours on it now. Use it for snowplowing my driveway (about 300' x 12') and 1/2 mile of trails in winter. I haul firewood on my 75ac and have also pulled logs with it. Had oil change and lube done at dealer at 50 hours and they replaced a missing exhaust flange. I don't abuse the machine i.e. no real off-roading through mud etc. I joined this forum after I bought the HiSUN and was also worried when I read opinions here. (Luckily ?) no issues so far.
  6. View File HiSUN Sector 750 Owner's Manual This Owner’s / Operator’s manual will provide you information regarding safe operation, operational instructions, maintenance and care. Submitter Ricanuck Submitted 11/25/2022 Category Hisun  
  7. 22 downloads

    This Owner’s / Operator’s manual will provide you information regarding safe operation, operational instructions, maintenance and care.
  8. I'm using a 72" KFI plow - works well. Driveway is 300'+ x 12'. One pass down the middle and then one on either side. (photo is UTV with plow at the dealer's - was delivered that way).
  9. I have a 2020 HiSun Sector 750 with a 6' KFI plow. Have gone through 2 winters with no issues clearing snow on a 300'+ driveway plus trails behind the house (1/2 mi. +). Plenty of power to move 12" of snow. Not familiar with Cfmoto.
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