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Desertjeep last won the day on May 31 2021

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  1. Desertjeep


  2. Thanks to all in this community for responding. So I’m strictly an amateur, but I read and then researched the advice generously offered. I’m happy to report that the case housing the belt drive had a preexisting plug, I pulled that plug and roughly 8 ounces of water poured out. I left the plug out for a couple hours, hoping to allow it to dry, and it started right up and engaged and drove normally afterwards. Again, thanks to all who responded, very thankful.
  3. Greetings. Confession, I’m not a mechanic. I lent my 2013 Kaw to a friend, almost immediately he called to tell me he was stuck in a creek. I pulled him out with my John Deere, but now the mule will not operate. Motor starts great, and it was never submerged, but concerned the high water may have caused some damage. Checked the oils, they seem to be the correct color, no milky color as some have noted. But when placed into gear, forward or reverse, it crawls, but has lots of trouble and can’t be driven very far until it stops again. If I let it idle, I can again drive it a short distance before it repeats itself, stops, let idle, crawls again. Any thoughts suggestions are greatly appreciated. The water level was probably 12 - 16 deep. This is standard, stock mule, unfortunately there are no lifts. Thanks group, appreciate any helpful response. Especially if you have experience with this. I looked on YouTube to see if there are any helpful videos, none. Someone with knowledge of this could make some $$ with their own “How to fix” videos.
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