Well, I'm petty or maybe just like to stir the pot. Let me explain.
The Superintendent at the old company sent a group text not long before I left. I still talk to a lot of the splicers at the old company.
So I was going to send them a text stating I got on with the new company. I looked through the old text messages on my phone and found a group text with two of the guys name on it. Well I clicked on the message and it was from the old superintendent to all of the splicers in the old company.
Well I replied stating I got my Bucket truck, what kind, make , with picture of new company logo with me in the pic and a pic of the full truck, ECT. And sent it.
And this new company is a competitor of the old company. LOL.
Then about a minute later sent another message apologizing for sending the text stating I didn't see who all was included and I sent the text "accident" to everyone in that group. Got a reply from one of the guy with a LOL.
Called him up and found out that week was his last. He turned in his 2 weeks notice a week back. And the big bosses had another splicer call to see what it would take to keep him there. Wouldn't even call himself. Then turned around and gave another guy a big raise. But would not offer the guy that turned in his notice .01 cent to stay.
Told him the grass IS greener on the other side. Offered to put in a good word for him at this company. Said he has already got a new job lined up. So all good. FTFF