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Greg Kilgore

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Greg Kilgore last won the day on January 11

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  1. Got a 2021 Axis 500. I'm needing the head bolt torque specs. Manual states 38nm. But saw a video Hisun put out on YT for a 550 stating 50nm + 45° turn of wrench. Didn't think they would be that much difference on a 500 and a 550. Seen another YT video on a 2013 500. He did 38nm. Really only want to do this job once and done. And done correct. Anybody got the answer? Going to start this rebuild in a few once this weather brakes. Flooding and then snow and cold here now. But spring is around the corner and the wife has to have this fixed or a Honda pioneer may be parked in driveway soon. She has to be able to ride.
  2. Abbingdon, You can probably go to Alpha-sports and search the parts diagrams and compare the part numbers. You should also compare the part numbers for the front differential as well. Because just like a 4x4 automobile, when the utv is in 4 wheel drive, if all 4 tires aren't pulling the same. Something else will brake. FYI even different size tires on the front and back on a 4x4 automobile can cause damage to the 4x4's drive train.
  3. All those codes deal with spark in one way or another. To search for manuals click on the 3 bars in top right corner. That will take you to a webpage to search for a repair manual. You'll probably have to remove the fuel tank and the air blower to get access to the tdc inspection port. Directions are in the manual. Good luck
  4. Best thing is to reset the ECU. With the key in off position. Turn key on then off 5 times within 30 seconds. Make sure the fuel pump kicks on each time. After the 5th on/off cycle. Leave off 1 minute then try to start the machine. That should clear the error codes and reset the ECU . Proper procedure to start is turn key to on. Then once the fuel pump shuts off. The proceed to the turn the key to the start position to engage starter. On this site there is a download section section where shop manuals can be searched for. If the ECU looks new it may have been replaced. It's also possible that it was a bad replacement. I read somewhere or watched a video stating that bad ECU for these machines were being sold on fleebay. Hope that is not the case.
  5. Well, I'm petty or maybe just like to stir the pot. Let me explain. The Superintendent at the old company sent a group text not long before I left. I still talk to a lot of the splicers at the old company. So I was going to send them a text stating I got on with the new company. I looked through the old text messages on my phone and found a group text with two of the guys name on it. Well I clicked on the message and it was from the old superintendent to all of the splicers in the old company. Well I replied stating I got my Bucket truck, what kind, make , with picture of new company logo with me in the pic and a pic of the full truck, ECT. And sent it. And this new company is a competitor of the old company. LOL. Then about a minute later sent another message apologizing for sending the text stating I didn't see who all was included and I sent the text "accident" to everyone in that group. Got a reply from one of the guy with a LOL. Called him up and found out that week was his last. He turned in his 2 weeks notice a week back. And the big bosses had another splicer call to see what it would take to keep him there. Wouldn't even call himself. Then turned around and gave another guy a big raise. But would not offer the guy that turned in his notice .01 cent to stay. Told him the grass IS greener on the other side. Offered to put in a good word for him at this company. Said he has already got a new job lined up. So all good. FTFF
  6. Check out this thread https://www.utvboard.com/topic/7811-adding-power-steering-to-an-r4-questions/ But I reminded you there may be 12V DC power issues. I don't know about the sector 550. But the Axis 500 doesn't generate a lot of extra voltage. There may be power concerns adding any type of Electric Power Steering, OEM or junkyard. The electric power requirements has to be considered. There may be options to increase the electric output with a bigger stator and regulator. But that will take away some of the HP power from the 550 engine due to bigger stator. I know it won't be a lot. But these little engines don't produce a lot of HP anyway. Good luck. And let us know how it goes.
  7. Welcome, to the board. In in Eastern, KY also. Not any local authorized repair shop around here that I can find. Haven't tried any other place. Since it been down for a while. Charge the battery. Then check for spark. Check for any loose wires and connections. I changed the oem seats in my Axis 500, replaced with seats from a RZR from ebay. I made the seat base and they fit pretty good. I gave 1 of the seats to a guy up the road for spreading some dirt in the driveway. Gave one to my brother to replace a seat on his mower. Good luck, let us know how it goes.
  8. CSM_Retired, Thank you for your service. Thank you for the comment. Was supposed to have started 1/7/25. At the last minute, this snow storm came in and changed the plan. Depending on what the weather does this weekend, Will determine where/when I start. As of now start date is 1/13/25. We got about 5-6 inches of snow with 1/4 inch of ice on top of that. So company did a safety stand down until weather improved. Essayon
  9. Hey Joe, Don't know if you like Bluegrass music. If you do, got a band and song you should check out. Band is "Grandpa's Cough Medicine" song is "Brand New .22" Grandpa's Cough Medicine is not your traditional bluegrass band. But I really like them. Also Pinebox Boys. Later Greg
  10. Alien10, I think this is just the rear differential. The plug is also the speed sensor. It has wires coming out of the plug and a connection for the wires maybe 12 inches from the plug. At least on my axis 500 anyway. I know on my axis 500 the engine oil is also shared with the transmission. The engine oil is also the oil bath for the wet clutch. At least on the Axis 500. BMurph, It is possible that the water was just in the shifter paw cover. Or maybe a previous repair where water got in the oil. The repair was made and it corrected the issue. And the shift paw cover wasn't cleaned. Best of luck and welcome to the forum.
  11. Exactly as Joe said. You have to loose a hose to drain, no petcock. When you add coolant. Be sure to raise the front end. The higher the better. Then on, my axis 500 and others, there's a bleed screw/bolt on the gooseneck on the head. Where the coolant hose connects to the head. Be sure to bleed/burp all the air out. I recommend bleeding there multiple times. Over a course of multiple heating up cycles. If your son did get it hot. Once you have all the air out. Check and make sure there is no coolant in the oil. Make sure there is no bubbles rising in the overflow coolant catch jug with radiator cap on once the engine is up to operating temp. On my axis 500, the temp sensor is on the gooseneck at the head. That sensor turns on the temp idiot light on dash. There is also a temp sensor on the radiator. That one tells the electric fan to kick on and off. Best of luck and welcome to the forum from KY.
  12. All you can do is be honest with them. Tell of any trouble you've had and how you've fixed them. Tell them to research the name and find out for themselves. As long as your honest you can have a clean conscience. As far as the price and what it's worth. That is up to the buyer. One person may say it's not worth a $100 and another person would give full asking price and not try to talk you down. Whatever the buyer is willing to pay. That is what it's worth.
  13. If your wife/boss is anything like mine. I feel sorry for ya' brother.
  14. Been there done that. Got the DD214 to prove it. Still can't be an artist. Said my condition was not service related. LOL Just got a call from the GF at new company. Said he'd send me a list of what to bring for orientation and training and I'd start on Jan 7th. My future is looking so bright I've got to wear shades.
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