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scott ryan

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Everything posted by scott ryan

  1. Check fuel level, gauges have been known to be bad. Set parking brake to start. Could be a hundred things, start simple and progress from there. Add things you have checked to the thread. Eventually an expert will chime in. I'm no expert.
  2. Not sure about your machine, but I've seen that in a Honda 4wheeler due to one-way bearing being installed backwards. Good luck!
  3. Might try adding some MIB, Mechanic in a bottle, to new fuel. It'll help clean up any residual crap in fuel system.
  4. Might check spark arrestor in muffler. Not familiar with your particular machine but I would assume it's like most others. If screen is coated with carbon build-up, just burn it of with a torch and wire brush. Good luck!
  5. I have the 750. Seems pretty normal from my experience. Hauling weight and incline really impact rpm needed to maintain and increase speed in both H and L gear. Of course they exaggerate the machines capabilities in advertising so you might feel like it shouldn't be running wide open at 30 mph, but it takes ideal conditions (unrealistic) to hit peak performance as advertised. Be sure you follow breakin guide before running hard, or problems sure to follow. It'll mellow out after breakin and first fluid changes/adjustments. Keep an eye on temp, those temp switches are known for going bad early. Easy fix, but if you go hot during breakin it's gonna hurt. Hope this eases your mind a little.
  6. Doors help keep my dog from bailing so I leave them on. Try removing the top band from each side, takes away the snap back considerably.
  7. I buy 2 of everything, just need one tho. I go by the old philosophy of 1 is none and 2 is 1. Never know when the supply chain will crash or prices will spike. Good luck!
  8. I did the final drive and diff fluid as well. Neither were difficult. Royal Purple 75w90.
  9. Hisun Axis 750 for me. Around 70 hrs., and only issues have been the plastic air/oil separator and thermal switch. That's about $40 and an hour to deal with b/c I enjoy beers when I play mechanic. Everything really smoothed out after break in. I'd buy again
  10. If sector is like the Axis 750, not too difficult, but very tight spaces to work within. My exhaust side was a bit too tight on 20 hour service. I'd suggest a mirror, a lighted scope and four hands. Safer to have service center do it while under warranty. Check YouTube videos for similar machines, then figure out if you want to tackle it. Good luck!
  11. Get through the breakin, change fluids and try again. Advertised top speed likely only under ideal conditions. 2wd, level, pavement, straight line. Runs better with time and good fluids.
  12. Start with checking or having service center check out valve clearance. I don't have specs for your model, but the interweb will have it somewhere.
  13. Make sure parking brake is set.
  14. I picked up the Axis 750 quad cab a little under a year ago. Put about 40 hours on it. Runs way better after break in adjustment and fluid changes, 20 hrs. Only issue was a $20 broken air/oil separator. Helps to be handy with maintenance cause service centers are scarce around me. If you purchase, inspect everything before you drive off. Others have had bad experiences in my area. I'm completely satisfied with mine. It will go anywhere.
  15. Not sure about your specific model or even how they work, but maybe check parking brake switch/sensor. Just a guess.
  16. Sorry, no experience with this model. Looks like back of engine compartment is vented but I can't see the front. Forced air front to back should help some. Otherwise that engine heat will just hang at the top of the shroud and continue to cook you. Doesn't look like much space for air to circulate to the front of the shroud. You might try to wire a 12 volt fan into the front of the shroud to constantly force air. I have no idea why your cooling system would continue to build air if there are no leaks. Maybe vacuum test? Best luck to you.
  17. I have the Axis (Hisun) 750 Crew. It calls for the same as yours. The final drive is the rear differential. I went with Royal Purple 75w90 in both front and final. It's supposed to be yellow metal and synchro safe. So far it feels smoother and no noise . Good luck!
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