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  1. Amyjou


  2. Replying back on progress, or rather lack of progress. After lots of looking online and calling salvage yards in our state and Minnesota where the plant exists, I haven't been able to find a salvaged 2017 Stampede 900 EPS. I did just recently find a 2018 Stampede (4 seater vs our 2 seater). I have reached out to Artic Cat to see if they can tell me if the engine would be compatible to use in our 2017 Stampede. It's been a long road of waiting, and if this doesn't pan out, I'll be trying to sell ours as is. Bummer. Wondering what my chances are of finding a replacement engine. It's been 2 years with no luck. Is there a possibility that other years and/ or similar models will have a compatible engine or do I need to only look for the same exact model of Stampede?
  3. Our 2017 Textron Stampede 900 died when driving it (after making a terrible noise). Now it won’t start. Checked oil and there wasn’t any. Was given advice that the engine would need to be replaced. Trying to find a used or rebuilt one. Any recommendations or leads on how I can find one?
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