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Norman Copeland

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Everything posted by Norman Copeland

  1. I got my windshield, and many other parts from motorcycle doctor on ebay. just search hisun utv on ebay. i have a vector as well.
  2. interesting i was having hell with mine with electrical issues finally found a gasket on the 18 pin connector into the fuse relay box was preventing the connector from fully engaging causing a loss of ground though out the whole utv i pulled the gasket out lockwired the connector in place and it runs like a scalded dog now...i dont plan on running thru any water that high so....lol
  3. ouch sorry hope it works out lets us know what the final verdict is .
  4. injectors are a common problem on these about 15 bucks on ebay also add an inline fuel filter
  5. is this unit fuel injected or carb?
  6. Try Motorcycle Doctor on ebay they helped me out with my vector 500
  7. try motorcycle doctor on ebay..
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