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Dr Mark

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  1. Dr Mark

    Dr Mark

  2. 2019 Coleman Outfitter 550X not shifting into 4X4 - ok I removed the front axle 4wd shift motor and it continues work fine using small batteries, but when I plug in the system electrical it still fails to operate. I did however notice that one of the electrical pins on the 6 wire plug, was not flush with the others. I took needle nose pliers and moved the pin back into place and then ensured it stayed when re-connected to the motor. Yup it was the electrical plug connection. Now it shifts in and out of 4x4 again. So, double check your plugs and pins....
  3. 2019 Coleman Outfitter 550x will not shift front axle into 4x4. I have checked fuses, replaced the dash 4x4 selector switch, removed rear of front axle housing and tested the axle shift motor using "C" batteries and it worked both directions as it should, but when re- installed it still will NOT shift into 4x4. It has never been run off road and has 37 on it miles. There are 2 electrical plugs at the front axle and I am not sure which points I should be testing to rule out a faulty wire. Any helpful ideas would be appreciated.
  4. 6/27/21 Thank you to whom posted the gear motor drawings. I have a 2019 Coleman Outfitter 550x with only 44 miles. Never driven off road. The 4wd will not engage and I pulled the gear motor as described from the drawings and used 2 C batteries and the motor pinion gear worked as it should. Putting it back on the front axle it still will not work. When I pulled the electrical plugs from the gear motor I noted the dash 2wd/4wd indicator chgd to flashing "x"s on the front diffs. Otherwise, when plugged back into the gear motor the front diffs do not change when pressing the switch for 4wd or the front locker. The switches seem to have power but Im at a loss. Anyone have any ideas??? Mark
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