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Lippert Powersports

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Everything posted by Lippert Powersports

  1. It is a good looking rig for sure, the problem is it is sold by Massimo! As a former dealer I should warn you that Massimo does NOT honor their warrantee, I sold their products for three years and once the total they owed me reached $50,000 in unpaid claims I dropped them. So buyer beware! Try aodes.com they have a brand new Workcross line that is very nice and as of this morning across the country they only had 8 open warranty claims, Scott is the claims adjuster and is awesome~!
  2. As I stated earlier every manufacturer has an interest in China, the old Massimo units were a Hisun the more recent are a Linhai, again a Yamaha brand and the only difference is the sticker they put on it because they all come out of the same plant. The Coleman units also come from there but are specifically designed to a lower grade for price as Tractor Supply orders thousands of units a year and orders them that way. People don’t understand the logistics of how these are ordered with specific design parameters for each distributor. It’s not the Chinese but the US company that set standard of what they want to sell and at what price point.
  3. All the major brands either own plants or have a manufacturing partner in China, in 2017 Polaris bought a plant in China. All the Japanese manufacturers have plants there as well, it’s the way of the “global economy “ that we live in today. The elite’s run the economy and the rest of us deal with it.
  4. The first break in oil change after around 100 miles, replace the factory mineral oil with a 30w conventional, no need to change the filter yet. At 500 miles you do the full service with filter then add a good quality 10w-40 synthetic. Just to clarify, Massimo is a distributor not a manufacturer, what you own is a Linhai machine! Linhai is a manufacturing partner of Yamaha and have been building these types of machines around the world since 1994. They are designed and engineered in either the US or Japan then built in China and assembled in the US actually Garland TX, Massimo owns the US distribution rights. Bennchie used to sell the same machine but they’re in the middle of a lawsuit and that’s a whole different story. This is not a Hisun machine, the engine is basically a Yamaha so you should be able to cross reference parts!
  5. As far as your EFI issue, these machines are meant to run on 93 premium fuel that is ethanol free, most owners don’t realize it or don’t want to pay the higher costs. Then they let the unit sit for an extended period, most times I find the fuel injectors actually rusted. Best bet is change the injectors and run premium fuel.
  6. Motorcycle Doctor carries all the Hison parts you need. motorcycledoctor.com
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