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Bryan g

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Bryan g last won the day on July 25 2023

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  1. The 550 does not have the same issues . Sounds like internal trans problem. I have not seen any come in with trans problems . Id drain fluid , look for any sparkles / metal . But no, that far out of warranty it would not be covered
  2. I have done both, the bolted extension and welding , Just had a new claim for shift issues come in , new machine and it had the updated shifter from factory . Somebody listened , lol . I had to extend this shift lever another 1/2 inch . Inch and quarter from original. Few cable adjustments and works fine now . Also see lot of brake squealing noise complaints . Jack up wheel , grab top and bottom, wiggle. If it moves wheel bearing is loose and will let rotor just touch brake pad and make noise . Pull Cotter pin, tighten axle nut to next pin position . Usually fixes it . Coleman rep said they were moving warehouse or some BS . Parts wont be shipped for few weeks yet as of 7/23 /23 . I got tired of waiting and just mod the shifters myself and bill coleman for it now . Cant have stuff sitting for months.
  3. As of today i have 4 units waiting for updated shift lever . Calling again to find out status . Its nothing new, they have always been horrible about contacts, replies , parts order time frame. I just go with thte flow . You get what you pay for . These units look nice , and actually preform pretty well for the cost . When yu have a Chinese company "Hisun " subbing out prduction to a Vietmese company to build a low cost UTV ,kinda get what you get. Other than the shifter issue, wheel bearings not torqued etc they are pretty decent . Looks like they cloned a Yamaha Rhino . If shift levers are not avail I may start producting some myself . Need to figure out cores, shipping etc .
  4. Got the official letter last week . Chapter 11 has been filed . Not sure where that puts Coleman as of now . They said they are business as usual. we will see . I am a warranty repair center . Have several claims filed yet and waiting on parts for many units .
  5. if its popping out of gear after shifter mod and cable adjustment , more than likely internal transmission damage. tangs on gears have been rounded off .
  6. There is you tube video on shift cable adjustment. That wont fix it , you need updated shifter .Either find someone to do the mod i posted , or call coleman , Have them start a claim , They should send you updated shifter . Not hard to install . As for running issue, as dumb as it sounds, check air filter. i have found several installed backwards , choking air flow. Spark plugs foul out pretty bad on these also . DO NOT use torch , Efire or anyother cheap plug . NGK ,BOsch or Champion only . Coleman support is horrible . I have 7-10 units in my shop at all times . AFS Small Engine Repair Marion Iowa
  7. This is the first one I fabbed up. Factory ones are cut and welded ,
  8. Updated shift lever #DC-P3200-1234161-000 they may not be in stock. If under warranty yet , call, start claim, get case number. They have issued shipping tag and send your old one in to be modified. Not sure why the new ones are not corrected ,,,,well it is Hisun, lol Hope this helps .
  9. Bryan g

    Bryan g

  10. We see a lot of the UT400 with shift problems, not going into gear, popping out of gear, grinding etc. There is a bulletin Im sure everyone has saw about adjusting shift cable. That dont always fix it. I went round n round with coleman on couple units. We are a Coleman warranty repair center"AFS Small Engine Repair " I told them shift lever does not have enough travel . No amount of cable adjustment will increase travel . I extended lever with piece on flat iron by 3/4 of inch . This gave shifter enough travel to properly engage into gear completely . Last couple units to come in for this Coleman sent me a modified shift lever, with longer travel . Problem solved! Also , heads up if you get any new unit ,,,go over and check it out, grease all zerks, check air filter for being in backwards, check wiring harnesses for rubbing on rotating parts, brake hose routing , make sure not touching exhaust . These are just few of the more common failures I see .
  11. I may have enough power but the transmission wont hold up for long . We see a ton of the UT400 's in for grinding /not going into gear ,
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