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Hisun .500

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Everything posted by Hisun .500

  1. Hisun .500

    Hisun .500

  2. does anyone have the diagrams for the 18 pin cdi actually i only need the center 8 pin plug of it the one with the{ ground coil pulse trigger power } please help im going crazy
  3. ok so i have replaced everything ive got just about 9 or so volts to the wire at the coil then it slowly goes down if i leave it testing is that normal and i have nothing coming out the sparkplug
  4. Checked that so it was the starter clutch
  5. so this thing is a real turd i have gone through so much im ready to junk it and live a few extra years but one last chance it use to run but now it just sucks money i replaced the starter clutch and it still is doing the same thing just spinning does anyone think it might be the starter is ti weak to turn it over
  6. So my hisun 500 is tore up and all the wiring is wasted i was wondering can i pull out all the wiring and just put in the. Basics .please help
  7. So after a long year of replacing just about everything the reason it was cutting out and backfiring is because it needed a new brain dam it runs great now
  8. I've got a 2008 Hisun 500 cc and I've been having problems with it cutting out under load or at a certain speed ,or when I floor it its always the same noise and no power I've changed spark plug ,coil coil wire valves, ,timing chain ,filter throttle cable ,carburetor , stator ,,,,,so this started one day while riding and it backfired a bunch of times and it shut off going down the road but came back on before we stopped we made it home and its never been the same since....please help
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