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Daniel Goodwin

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  1. I think its interesting that this wire has a 30 amp fuse in it but the other one has a 50 amp fuse. Seems like a mismatch but perhaps different purposes.
  2. Sorry to bring up a zombie thread but this was very helpful for me. My E1 stopped charging today and I found this thread and determined it to be the same exact cause. Not only was the 30 amp fuse toast, it had melted all the rubber housing around it. I extracted the fuse but I think its so badly burned I couldn't put a fresh fuse in it. I can probably by a new wire and fuse housing and splice it together but my concern is that perhaps the 30 amp fuse is too small for this task? If multiple people's fuse is melting down? Should I try to use a larger fuse?
  3. I apologize, the wording I used above was incorrect. Again, I'm not a technical person so this is a little far afield for me. I spoke with them this morning and they are still awaiting the parts from Hisun but it was actually the "main contactor assembly" that they feel is defective. The parts should be arriving this week so hopefully we'll know more soon.
  4. Hmm, that's both helpful and alarming. The Sector is with the local dealership now (although that's 2 hours away from me). They said they feel its the main board and are ordering the replacement part from Hisun. I'm hopeful this resolves it as I really am going to need it by the fall and winter.
  5. Hi, I have a brand new Hisun Sector E1 that I got in March-April timeframe. Its got about 100 miles on it. I was driving it yesterday among some tall grass on one of my hills when it just complete stopped moving. Pressing the accelerator and nothing. I put it in reverse, nothing. I tried in 2 wheel and 4 wheel drive, locked and unlocked. Nothing. I put it in neutral, turned the ignition off and started it again and was able to drive forward about 20-30 feet and it stopped again. No errors. No 45C message, nothing. Just completely unresponsive. I had to "limp" all the way home by turning it on and off to get home. That 30 feet or so that it would travel was full power, I could push it hard or take it gently and it would still cut out on me. Its super bizarre. Anyone have any ideas what might be going on? I'm no electrician...I thought buying a sector E1 would require less work from me than an ICE vehicle, it appears I was wrong. I'm 2 hours from the nearest distributor so pretty worried about getting it serviced.
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