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Everything posted by W B

  1. Russ When I fabbed the first mount A belt dealer went to great lengths to find one`. He finally found one like you about 47" but only available in a width of about 1". This belt didn't last any time and it shredded. I modified my mount to allow the stock belt tio fit. On the stock belt, do some googling. I found one under 100.
  2. I. Fabbed a new motor mount for. That purpose. You have to check clearance on the shifting lever. If u are unable to do that you will have to call the belt dealers online till u find one that will help you. They are cheaper anyway.
  3. Russvato What engine do you have in the BD300? The link I provided above fits an L3 which is not the same as a BD300. If you have a kohler engine the part # you need is 2*20693.and are cheaper belts out there. Just google.
  4. try this link https://hammerheadperformance.com/american-landmaster-belt-l3-cvt-drive-belt-19719-replaces-2-20694-17918
  5. Just where would this evidence be found?
  6. Dennis See post 10 and 11 for shifting and 15 to adjust belt
  7. SHIFTING ISSUES WITH ALL BULLDOGS Find your manual or look up one online . Find the section on adjusting shifting cables and follow them to the "T". Don't skip any steps thinking this is easy. Don't ask me how I know! It all starts under the hood, not behind the seat. Don't skip any steps!
  8. Russvato, You say belt is too tight. Have you loosened hold down bolts on engine and let it slide backwards. that's how you adjust tension on these machines.
  9. Do you have the single throat or two barrel carb? What is it doing that makes you think it is the needle valve? I would have to tear into it more than I want to for pics of the detail. If you can't look at it and see what is required I don't recommend you attempting it. Again, what is it doing that makes you think it is the needle valve. You can get overhaul kit for briggs two barrel online relatively inexpensive and the internal parts should fit the Subaru carb. Another thing you can try is lapping your needle valve with a small amount of toothpaste. Sometimes that will fix it up.
  10. Not familiar with your machine but sounds like an air leak to me. Check all gaskets and hoses.
  11. Wow--What a Christmas gift. Predator or Subaru?
  12. @EGY You can get a copy of the manual here. It might cost you a few bucks but it won't let me forward my copy. https://subaru-robin.servicemanualvault.com/Subaru-Robin-EH65-Engine-Service-Manual.html
  13. Hi Jim, Merry Christmas to you and yours also, I saw somewhere you can order flange with stub out for that engine. You might weld flex hose onto stub and run it wherever you have to. If i see it again i'll post it to you. Wow, where did you see that engine for $100. Might be a scam. check close.
  14. @EGY Merry Christmas ! Couldn't find the one I was looking for but these should help you. One thing I can tell you is they are almost identical to the Nikki used on the Briggs engines.except if you can find one for the Subaru it might be 300 bucks and you can find Briggs Carbs in the aftermarket for 35 dollars. I have taken a briggs carb and drilled out the shafts to move to the opposite side to make it fit subaru linkage and moved the intake tube for fuel also. You can buy overhaul kits very reasonable for briggs that will work on the Sub. Mostly just gaskets and o-rings. Try these links https://www.partstree.com/models/eh650db8010-eh65-subaru-robin-engine/640-fuel-lubricant-6/ https://youtu.be/bjAjSrpouDc?si=ee0mHe5qP_tZBdJH https://youtu.be/1K-dEik7Z-0?si=InduVX76UAfVDwZJ WB
  15. @Alien10 These kind of crooks have been around since the street fairs and carnivals. I was involved in pinching one about 20 years ago. This scam sent out faxes with an invoice for something that pertained to the type of business. They had the Yellow books for the whole nation and operated out of 6 to 8 centers around the US. For instance. elec got wire or terminals. Ag equip got filters etc. You would have to work in an office environment to realize how many invoices get paid with just a payables clerk approval. ThaT is why PO #'s and matching is so important. hey sent these out by the thousands and I would be willing to say 50% were paid. Many of these little clerks paid the bill because they were afraid not to if the big boss had ordered it and he got a phone call. Also a big part of using the fax machines was that it couldn't be prosecuted under Federal Law.If they mailed an invoice it was considered mail fraud and the Postal inspectors could track them to the end of the world. I had located one of their office spaces and a tip to the FBI got me a phone call for what I knew. Never found out the outcome but was glad to help. Nothing I hate worst than a thief. Everyone needs to stay diligent on the web. If it looks too good to be true it probably is!
  16. Sent him info on messages with links and haven't heard back from him/


  17. W B

    W B

  18. Did it make sense to you. If you have questions go up to the top right and leave me a message in detail. I will get back to you.
  19. Boydog40 Study the following page 19/33. I'll get back to you later this weekend if you have questions. The most important thing you have to check and then doublecheck is your ignition coils. They should never have 12v pos hooked to them.That will fry your coils and could be expensive. Grd is hooked up from the keyswitch and that kills the engine. Again, take your time and I'll check back this weekend Also, don't lose this page because it took me forever to locate it. https://landmaster-assets.american-landmaster.workers.dev/uploads/manuals/Engine-Manufacturer/Subaru_653cc_EH65_OM.pdf
  20. Boydog40, Don,t get in a rush and don't hook color to color just yet. I will find the schematic and try to help you get it wired. I'll get back to you.
  21. Jim, Keep good notes because I believe I'm heading that way myself. Lot's of pictures.
  22. Neither definately. I would like to leave it open for a few more days to see if someone else pipes up.
  23. Txdoc and JB I realized they had problems a couple of years ag`o. Wondering if that cleared up or not. Was looking at one and it looked very attractive.
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