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  1. SteveB


  2. I posted a couple of years ago about my pioneer not shifting after driving slow for awhile. The speedometer will say 0 as you are driving and won’t shift. I have changed the computer board speed sensors checked the grounds. Added fan under the seat pretty much everything you can do. I have ask the local Honda dealer to check with Honda for a recall but Honda will not come to the plate and fix the problem. I know of several people having the same problem and all of us have came to the conclusion we need to trade in for a Polaris. HAS ANYONE FIGURED OUT A FIX.
  3. I have the same problem with my pioneer 1000 3 seat . It is in the shop for the fourth time I paid for a new computer into the repair $1500.00 so far and told the dealer you can’t just keep changing parts and charging me . The diagnostic tester keeps saying battery issues I think I will bring it home and try the repair on the ground cables that makes sense. My speedometer will start jumping from 0 to 13 mph back and forth then the check engine lights and power steering lights come on then it is stuck in low until you shut it off and let it cool for ten minutes. Then we are fine .
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