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Fib103182 last won the day on November 17 2023

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  1. Running every other roller weight, a little lighter in weight really helps as well. Just half of them meaning every other one. Keep the other ones stock.
  2. I had a 700cc and working on it myself was not an issue. It was just that I had to work on it constantly after a few miles. It was always something going wrong. It kicked up dust really bad on gravel roads and swirls inside so covered anyone in it with dust. Engine heat was awful and really unbearable even with me trying many things to block or redirect the heat and dust. The engine itself was pretty tough but if you could put up with all the other bad things that went along with it. I would spend a few more dollars and have something you could use with no issues and still be able to resell it and get some of your money back. I'm not a fan of Hisun or any of their spin off brands from my experience. Others may chime in here and say I am wrong and I may be? I hope if you do it you have better luck than myself. You get what you pay for...
  3. Fib103182


  4. Like I said I had 4 28x12x12 outlaw 2's and I could drop off in a pretty thick deep mud hole and it would go or dig itself stuck bad but never stop turning ties and never burnt a belt up. Now what I have done is push the thickness of my shim a little to much and ran my belt off the top of the clutch. I guess and blew the belt to pieces. I'm not sure if I really ran the belt off over the clutch from it riding to high but if not I guess it may have squeezed or just put much tension on the belt. But at about 60mph when it blew the belt that 2015 700hs crew. I didn't know what all the smoke and popping was. It was wrapped around everything inside the clutch cover. I was playing with shims at that point and trying to find what I liked. It wasn't 1.8 either. I've always found shim with the thickness of 1 or 1.2 (what ever measuring system is used) works best for me but they are all different. Make sure you still have some threads left on the clutch housing bolt threads after shimming. Very important.
  5. I've heard some argue the other way as well, but you understand what the purpose is anyway. Hope the information I was able to share has been useful. The process is not hard if you have mechanical skills. If I can help with anything else, please let me know.
  6. Just something I picked up on over the years. If you can find some 14 gram roller weights and replace every other factory roller weights (18 grams) that will help with your clutch engagement even more. It's simple and don't pack them full of grease cause it will go straight to your belt. Just a small amount only where you have to.
  7. Shim Clutch Mod Fit for Yamaha Grizzly,Rhino, Bruin, Wolverine, Kodiak and Viking SUPR Kit 350 450 700 550 660 400 600 https://a.co/d/9Um0i1n Here is a spring. They have different colors for different stiffness to fine tune your clutch. Secondary Driven Clutch Spring - Gold For 2004 Yamaha YXR66F Rhino 660 Utility Vehicle https://a.co/d/ie14zs9
  8. Yes, the Rhino 660 and the the hisun are pretty well interchangeable in about everything I've run into. I just shimmed my clutch with a shim kit I purchased online and changed the spring out with a stage 2 HD, and it works great for a fraction of the money. I done this same thing on a grizzly 660 4 wheeler with 29in x 12x12 outlaws on all 4 wheels, and my tires never stopped spinning in the mud but when i was stuck it was stuck. I actually never burnt out a belt with this setup either. Just figured I would mention in case saving some money and a better turnout or very close. Sorry, but one more thing is you can change out every other weight in the clutch from like a 450cc that lighter or you can go heavy, and that will change when it engages. Hope this was some help and not me just rambling on and on. Lol
  9. Got it down to one bolt again and its stuck. It is a different one but I all I did is just crack them lose. Maybe a 1/4 to 1/2 turn but last one is stuck. This thi g is coming apart this time it dont matter if I have to take it to the scrap yard after this. I can't seem to find a radiator cap anyway. These things are officially junk in my book. I will not ever own another or even work on another one. POS....
  10. Anyone know where to get a radiator cap? I didn't realize they was so hard to find.
  11. That was what I was going to try when I have time again. It actually kinda seems to not be losing any water since the exhaust valve adjustment.
  12. Just a quick update. I this thing always down to one bolt and it is stuck. So put back together and adjusted the valves mainly the exhaust side and seem to run alot better and a little cooler. Who would have ever thought that letting exhaust out would help in staying cooler. Lol. Still need to get the stripped bolt out to do head gasket.
  13. Ok i am now pretty sure head gasket is the issue as anyone that has read this probably know already. I've tried a few different stop leak type products to try to push it off till spring but dont think its going to happen. I replaced the old cooling fan which seemed to be good in till a removed it and the new one is so much better. My issue probably originally was the fan and thats what I've been trying to pen point before head gasket replacement. I appreciate everyone's input.
  14. I appreciate you taking the time to reply and your thoughts. They seem to be about the same as mine. I will try to let you know how it all turns out.
  15. I have continued to try and cool this thing down and I'm not having any luck. I can let it run with the radiator cap off and with the front end point up on a steep hillside and burp some air out till I think its gone and completely full. Then go on a 45 mintue ride and without shutting it off when I get back, take the cap back off in same position and get more air out, fill it up with coolant, shut it off to cool over and over. Its is almost unbearable heat. Very unpleasant sitting in the seat and I have placed 2 layers of insulation underneath them and dont seem to cut it anymore? Help!!!! Please!!!!! Head Gasket????
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