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myfirst tracker800sx

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About myfirst tracker800sx

  • Birthday November 9

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  1. I would have to be "brain dead" to spend $20,000 plus for a vehicle that you use probably a few weeks a year. I have would have to earn big bucks with it, in some kind of a business, before I could justify such a purchase. Just like the peson who is selling it now, reality sets in a lot faster as the joy of ownership fades rapidly!
  2. I don't of any videos, but to change the transaxle fluid you will need to make a long funnel out of 3 or 4 feet of 1/4" ID plastic tubing taped to an empty bottle with a pointed top, after cutting the bottom off the bottle, to make a homemade funnel top. myfirsttracker800sx
  3. Here is my Tracker factory mirror attached to my Tracker 800SX. No wonder I couldn't find a mirror to fit the roll cage bar, because it doesn't go there. Fits nicely at the base of the roll bar by replacing two bolts, which are provided, for a very neat, professional look. When it is all said and done, it was worth the wait and the money, in my opinion.
  4. Do NOT buy this golf cart mirror ... "Cipa 01140 Golf Cart Side View Mirror." It come with three clamping plates that would not hold the mirror to the roll cage frame, sent back for refund. myfirsttracker800sx
  5. My 18 month warrany expired in June 2021. I would highly recommend an extended warranty just because it is a new machine, from the ground up, only since 2019, I believe. I NEVER buy warranty extensions on "been around for ever" products, such as cars, appliances, TVs and so on ... Tracker off road won't disclose very much about break downs, but they did tell me they have had clutch issues. And the clutch they put in my 800 this time has had no new refinements/up grades from the original, so it could break again. I have 265 miles and 72 hours on my 800. myfirsttracker800sx
  6. I bought a Tracker Off Road side mirror on Sept. 27 for my Tracker 800SX. $167.90 minus 10% VIP discount, $151.11. Maybe pricey, but after market mirror find, for now, is impossible. myfirsttracker800sx
  7. My Tracker 800SX out of the Cabelas' Tracker Off Road shop on Setember 27, about 10 days start to finish. If I did not have an extended warranty, the new clutch would be $720.00, labor to install the new clutch would be $220.00 and the 8% Ohio sales tax would be $75.20, total of $1015.20 My bill of course was 0.00. I would suggest again that you consider an extended warranty offered by Bass Pro/Cabelas if you are purchasing one of their off road machines. myfirsttracker800sx
  8. My problem is different and is being serviced at Cabelas as we speak. When I put my 800 into low and go for a drive and then stop, it won't come out of the low position, except with brute force or by shutting off the engine. What you describe is a little annoying, but I can live with it. I would suggest that everyone buy at least some of the extended warranty offered (I bought 48 months extended), it will probably pay for itself. Cabelas has had my 800 for over a week now, I'll keep you posted on the clutch repair.
  9. Turns out my 800sx needs a new clutch, sure glad I bought the 48 month extended warranty, factory warranty ran out June, 2021. I'll give an update on the speed of the repair and ask what it would cost if paying out of pocket. myfirsttracker800sx
  10. I have a 2020 Tracker 800sx with about 60 hours on it. It has been shifting very hard the past few months. When I shut the engine off it shifts just like it should, but with the engine running, it takes quite a bit of force to take it out of low back to neutraL. Does anyone know the cure? Thank you in advance.
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