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Everything posted by klm

  1. Wow! this don't sound good.
  2. The "built to last" requirement rules out the Chinese built junk.
  3. Besides the shocks how do you like your L7?
  4. Linhai engine vs. the Hisun engine, don't see why that makes much difference as far as customer support. I personally have not had a problem with the actual engine itself, it's how these parts interface with each other (quality control). If you don't properly torque bolts, install seals wrong, don't install fuel filters, have poor wiring connectors, don't adjust shift linkage right, use junk lubricates, leave air in the cooling system, don't have a good clear maintenance manual, etc, etc, you are going to have issues and you better have a good customer support group.
  5. At least you were able to actually talk with a Rep. I will never understand why a company would go thru all the pains of startup and manufacture of a product and then standby and let the company go to hell by not supporting their product. Ever customer complaint, ever parts failure, ever maintenance failure or adjustment should be fed back to engineering dept and incorporated into the product to make it even better instead of just cranking out the same old thing. I don't think there is much if any difference between my 2014 and the 2022 models.
  6. I have had a Massimo MSU 500 since 2014 and have heard this "Massimo recently updated their customer support" story several times. Don't believe it, it ain't gonna happen, never has got better. They have a basically good design but poor quality control and no customer support. I learned early I had no support so if I wanted to get some value out of my purchase I had better be able to fix it myself which I have for the most part A partial list of issues:bad seal in secondary clutch caused oil to leak on drive belt, bad detent in shift mechanism causing no reverse, bad fuel injector, no fuel filter, and numerous other issues. Most problems could have been resolved with just a little factory support but without that you have to start from scratch. I use it daily on my farm it leads a rough life and has its good and bad days I would hate to be without it but when it gets replaced it won't be with a Massimo.
  7. Absolutely stay away from Chinese junk, even the ones made in Texas, still junk. I think an EV from Polaris or any name company would be perfect for her. good luck!
  8. I am considering a 2022 L7 for farm use. I would like any input I can get from any owners of one of these. Would like to know how well you like or dislike, how dependable, any issues, etc. I presently have a 2014 Massimo 500 and I not only don't want another Massimo, I'll never buy any Chinese junk again.
  9. Something tells me theirs a lot you don't know.
  10. klm


  11. I'm easily confused, you said you had power to the fuel pump but does it cycle when you turn on key?
  12. there is a small bolt or screw right beside the temp senser in what looks like a thermostat housing, loosen that screw while the engine is running and let the air bubbles out. air in the system makes the temp sensor read wrong and sends wrong signal to the computer.
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