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  1. Update for anyone following. Took it to the local mechanic he sells and repairs chines bikes. He stated the valves were super tight and that he would recommend checking them every 40-50 hours. Starts right up bows and purrs like a kitten.
  2. I’ll give it a shot.
  3. I thought 2020s were fuel injected. How does a choke solenoid work?
  4. Was out hunting in Montana for a week. Seems like it’s flooding. I originally got it running by changing to a iridium plug. Then next day wouldn’t start. Spark is there fueling is there. So I Bought a new air cleaner gunna add that and start diagnostics again.
  5. So I got it running by changing plugs. Ran it a hour or so now won’t start. It stalled on me once but got it started and drove home. Now won’t start at all. I’ve pulled the air filter tried starting. No luck. Changed plugs again, no luck. The injector does pulse fuel out and it does spark at the plug. Not sure what else to check. Where is the timing chain, how do I check it? Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  6. Got what I hope was a good deal on a Coleman 400 aka Hisun HS400. Previous owner returned it to TSC and it wouldn’t start. I pulled the plug and it’s fouled. Cleaned it and it sputtered, but fouled again. I did test for spark after cleaning and had a nice white spark. Plug is an NGK R DR8EA. I will be getting a new plug and a fuel filter to install inline. I was going to open up the fuel tank and check for debris and drain the tank as I have no clue how old the current gas is. Currently it won’t start so just trying to get it going so I can trouble shoot the rest. My plan. Pull airbox and check for obstructions and clogged filters, replace. Crank and check plug. Disconnect 02 sensor and see if it starts Check timing chain tension Any other things I should look at. The plugs seem to have some oil, but that could be carbon? Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
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