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  1. Modrob


  2. Thanks much Greg… wow! That was a bit scary of an incident…glad it wasn’t worse. When this first started giving trouble, the original belt (I’m second owner) smoked some on a hilly driveway, and stalled. I was able to limp it up to the garage and then dig into it… Ordered a new “Kevlar” belt and installed after cleaning out the case (it was a real mess!) A couple of test trips up and down the driveway, and bam! that belt ripped to shreds. I put the original back on it just for testing, along with the new front variator pulley. And another cleaning of the case. Immediately it started the jerking/grabbing at low speeds. (I’m sure the original belt idea wasn’t smart but it was a learning thing) And again, this last time tearing into it found the case again in dirty position, with the buildup on both pulleys… thanks again for your insight.
  3. Took it apart and found inside case area had some light oil residue all over and some had gotten on the belt. Belt residue was on the front variator pulley surfaces and the clutch pulley had quite a bit as well. I’m thinking the two failing seals allowed the oil/tranny fluid to seep into the area, causing the belt to start gumming up the pulleys. Also, the clutch spring seems maybe excessively strong as well as difficult for a pulley sleeve to slide on the inner shaft. I’m going to attempt to break down the clutch (if I can can come up with a diy tool to keep pressure as well as ease off pressure on the spring) and see if I can salvage it. May just go ahead and order another clutch anyway…
  4. Some time ago unit stalled going uphill towing a small motorcycle. Some smoke and smell of rubber burning. Removed belt and it looked ok but the case area was grimy with grease-like sludge. Cleaned it all out and installed new belt and front variator pulley assembly. Within a few minutes of running it was destroyed in pieces—this was low speed but uphill, with jerking/stuttering. I then opened it up and removed the belt remains, but reinstalled the old belt. It runs again but again has the stuttering/jerking when accelerating from stop, or when slowing down to about 1-2mph…changed transaxle fluid and no difference. Any ideas?
  5. New member recently returned to WV from many years in TN...Now have 2011 TrailWagon 200, a Roketa Kart, and currently-in-parts projects a 1987 Honda TRX125 ATV, and a 1981 Honda XR80 cycle. (will I EVER get these two together? Ha) Right now having a bear of a time getting brakes right on the Trailwagon after a recent master cylinder replacement...
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