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Mkike Des

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  1. Mkike Des

    Mkike Des

  2. I have had my 800sx at the shop 3 times in one year. The first two it would not run their diagnosis was water in the fuel. The third time the unit stalled and a code of low oil pressure popped up. I checked the oil it was full. I brought it in for service again. They said there is water in the fuel again! They also said water in the fuel would cause the oil pressure sensor to malfunction. ( they must think I am a idiot! ) I have three other 4 wheelers of different years and I have never once had a issue with water in the fuel. I told them to figure out how water is getting in there. Its still under warranty. I am at a loss. Its 1 hour for me to bring the unit up there. I am regretting purchasing this unit! Has anyone else had this happen to them? Mike
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