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About Warden64

  • Birthday 11/30/1956

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  1. Warden64


  2. Hi,Have a 2014 hissun utv that will go in reverse and high range but no low range. And suggestions or solutions?
  3. Thanks and failed to say it had a top end job done. I took it to another guy and it ended up being the valves out of adjustment. Running fine now.
  4. Hi have a 2014 bighorn benchee 500 that I have been throwing money at trying to be able to get it going but at a dead end. It has been suggested that I find a code reader for it to help diagnosis it. Does anyone know where I can purchase one for this particular year model. Thanks.
  5. Thanks you may have a point. I felt like the shop I took it to had it fixed but after $600 more I found they didn’t.
  6. Well the valves were checked and adjusted in the shop that worked on it. They had called said it was ready we loaded it by starting it and driving on trailer. Made half a loop around my yard parked it now it won’t start. If you try it after sitting it acts like it wants to start one time. U try it again nothing. Let it sit awhile it does same thing one time then nothing. I cakes the spark by one of these inline spark testers. It sparks big time. Almost acts like it’s not getting fuel. At my wits end.
  7. I have the benchee 500 tub. Just had it worked on. Fuel pump replaced, voltage regulator, injector,spark plug, throttle body. They called said it was fixed. Brought it home wife drove it across yard parked it. When I tried to restart it to move it never got it to start again. Am at a loss and about as aggravated as can be about it. It is sparking and I put another injector on it still nothing. I hear the fuel pump prime up and it is sparking. Shot a squirt of starting fluid didn’t even try to start. Any help would be appreciated.
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