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  • Birthday March 1

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  1. Just found this video that will solve this issue.
  2. I started complaining to Coleman 4 months after I purchased it new from Tractor Supply and received 0 help and pretty much a F You from them. I fixed it to late and today I have no gears left. Will not go into reverse and I am assuming I will need to do the transmission. Suck a piece of crap! Speed thousands on machine that is worthless! I have not started looking for replacement parts, but assuming that I will not be able to find them.......
  3. This is the issue, it is a know issue that Coleman will not deal with. Go to this post to fix the issue. I did this, but it was to late of a fix and now I have to replace the transmission. Gear are "F*^ k e d"
  4. I adjusted the cable, it took me a few tries also. But seams to be working good now, hope it last.
  5. Yes all others that we looked at where 2x as much. I am starting to think it would have been worth buying others.
  6. Needs to be a class action against them!
  7. I beleive I figure out the issues was that the cable that supposed to plugged into that, was not. It was just hanging down. Never was plugged in from the manufacture.
  8. I don't think someone disconnect it, I bought this machine new, I beleive it was never connected. I have been tring for over a year to get coleman to deal with the issues, but they will not help me. I have even filed a BBB complant and they would not even reply to them. So I need to try to figure out the issues. This being connected to the voltage regulator will probally fix one of the issues I have been having, the battery icon always turning on and off. Fingers crossed. Thank you
  9. That was where it goes, thought it might fix my problem with the odomiter not working but it didn't. I wounder what it is for as I didn't notice anything else light up on the dash.
  10. I will take a look, ty
  11. I have alot of issues with this machine that I'm trying to figure out and fix. Today when I was fixing the shifter I see this cable connection that is not connected to anything. I looked and can't find where it might need to be. Any ideas would be greatfull.
  12. Tonight, I finally got to doing this and it fixed my issue with the machine popping out of gear. I did it slightly differently, by cutting the existing and welding a piece on to it, to make up the 3/4". I'm not a welder so the welds are not pretty.
  13. Rainman the gap you set did it work out at .8mm, I have this issue all the time with the plug being covered with carbon. I have been setting thye gap at .6.
  14. Have you solved this problem, I seam to be having the same issue. Lucas do you have a link to the part that you purchase that you could share.
  15. Greg I will take a look at these.
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