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Steve Herndon

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  1. If you just got the machine and don't know, try fastening the seat belt. If you do, maybe a bad sensor in the latch. That's all I got. Hope it helps.
  2. I don't know about the Axis, but on my 2015 Massimo 700 you have to remove the rear fender.
  3. Sorry have not been on the forum since that post. I don't agree with running the engine while doing this. If the engine is at operating temp, the coolant is expanded. That's the reason it has a reservoir. If the cap is replaced while it' hot it will not be full when it cools down and can create an air lock in the system. I do mine with the front jacked up and engine cold and not running. Make sure the reservoir is at the full mark before you start. There are two bleeders for the system. One on top at what looks like a thermostat housing, and one on the lower part of the water pump. Bleed the upper one first, then go to the lower one and bleed. I complete this process at least one more time, making sure the radiator stays full. let the front end down and replace the cap. I have never had it overheat since I did it this way. I used to do it with the engine running and had problems a couple times. I asw this method on a youtube video and it made sense. Hasn't let me down yet.
  4. I have a 2015 Alligator 700 with a Hisun engine, yours should be as well. As for engine oil I use 10w40 atv oil formulated for wet clutches. As for the colling system I had to learn the hard way. If at anytime you have to add coolant follow these steps. 1. With the engine cold, fill the canister to the full mark, remove radiator cap and top off with coolant. 2. Raise the fron of the sxs at least 10-12 inches, I park mine up hill to do this. 3. Loosen the bleeder at the thermostat housing on top of the motor (drivers side) to release air and retighten. Check radiator and add if needed. 4. Loosen bleeder on bottom of water pump (passenger side of moter) to bleed air and retighten. Refill radiator and reinstall cap. I repeat tease steps a couple times just to be safe. It is important to do this with a cold engine. If the engine is running and warmed up the coolant will expand and create an air pocket after it's sealed up and cooled down. Hope this helps and good luck with your new toy.
  5. I have a 2015 Massimo Alligator 700 Wide Body I bought used about 3 years ago. The only problem I've had is overheating. Then I learned how to bleed the cooling system properly and problem gone! Only complaint I have is it is hot in the summer. Has bucket seats with the engine in between. Nice in the winter when I plow snow. I've added a tip out windshield, rear cab encloser, back up lights off road lights and electronic power steering to it. I love it, it's a beast. Oh, and I put a real temp gauge on it, but haven't needed it since I got the bleeding issue figured out. Hope this helps.
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