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Don W

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Don W last won the day on September 16 2024

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About Don W

  • Birthday 03/31/1949

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  1. I agree, while mine doesn't fold you can take either half off. I will have to take the top off if I use it much as it's so bad I can barely see thru it. Oh, its plexiglas.
  2. Taking the opportunity to say I have received great help from Joe and aefron and have no doubt both know more about these machines than I do! Both suggestions I have found to be true, while I haven't had fan problems if I ran it around 3000 RPM + in this hot FL weather (90-100 degrees) it tends to run a little warm, like me!!. Where you say "water in the radiator" I'm sure you actually mean "coolant" as a proper mix of anti-freeze, I.E. coolant will run a little cooler. Also I do not remember the name but I believe I bought in an auto parts store or maybe even AMAZON an additive that is suoposed to make it run a little cooler. Not certain if it did but it at least made me think I was helping some!! LOL Oh, mine is a 2016 MASSIMO MSU 800, which in my mind has been a great machine. Not as nice or as many frills as say a HONDA, and I'm sure not as well built. However a funny thing, a friend had a HONDA, def a nicer machine. He had raised it up with huge tires and the gear boxes or whatever they're called on the axels. Also a snorkel, and could go in 4-5n ft of water! He brought it out to the lease a few time and I noticed if we came up to a 8-10" log across the trail he would always use 2 wheel drive to get over it! I asked why? He said with the oversized tires, wheels etc in 4 wheel drive it many times would break the axels going over logs! !Now he had over 20 grand in his, I had 10!! To each their own!!! Good luck!
  3. Don W

    Don W

  4. Awesome. I use electronics cleaner on all sorts of electrical equipment, its great.
  5. Like Kent said, replace the ECU..
  6. StarTron, .I never buy non-ethanol! Another good thing about StarTron, you can’t over do it.
  7. I have bought what few parts I have needed for my 2016 MSU 800 usually on AMAZON, EBay and here and there. I would lik to say I have had very little need for parts in the 7 yrs I’ve owned it. Mostly items I consider wear items, I.E brake pads, axel bearings things like that. I did need an ECU onetime, very easy to find. I threw a quick search on google for Massamo cv boots and sure enough several jumped out at me on Amazon and eBay.among other places.hope this helps. Oh, Benche probably fit also but a dealership will never admit it. Oh, don’t be surprised if you get a s.storm here about Massimo but mine has been great.
  8. Correct! You finally make an accurate statement, "nuff said"! You're the winner!!!! 👏
  9. Oh so now you drag politics into it!!! Oh, by the way buddy, I'm farrrr from being a Democrat!!!! Talk pathetic!!!
  10. Chris, thought I'd throw this out to will until more informed members help you out. There are some here that have more knowledge on these things than Myself. I own a 2016 MSU 800. In 7 yrs I have very few problems with mine. Mainly brake pads which I consider a wear item and wheels bearings a couple times. Mine has sealed wheel bearings as opposed to roller bearings that can be maintained, the only maintenance of sealed bearings is run them until they wear out and replace them!! On me machine if it gets to where it doesn't shift well it's usually the adjustment on the shifting linkage, which in my opinion is quite touchy, therefore it doesn't take much for it to get out of adjustment.
  11. Buy these things can be a handful. But as I learned a while back with Joe and others helping out and a little mechanical ability, which you obviously have it will work out!! A great forum, so glad I found it and joined!!
  12. Very interesting thread. Aefron88 and others have been a lifesaver to me, 2015 MSU 800. Just a comment, NONE of the UTV manufacturers give a rats bottom about the owner or mechanic...none of them. Friend has arctic cats, royal pain to work on OR get the right parts. Another friend had a Honda side by side, nice machine but weak front end assembly and again....pain to work on. Whenever we went hunting in the swamp he left his home and used mine because he said if he got tangled in downfalls (3-4" trees) he had broken several tie rod ends!!! So like I said, he left his Honda home, which cost half again more than mine and we used the junk, Chinese Massimo!!! LOL
  13. I have found Motor Cycle Doctor to be some of the best to work with..
  14. Almost a yr later but I never buy Non-ethanol. But I do use Star-Tron. Your gas will NOT go bad if you add Star-Tron....unless you get water and water never did workload with gas. My portable generator has 2 yr old gas in it......with Star-Tron. Started it a few weeks ago, ran it for half an hr, ran great.
  15. If it were my machine, (MSU 800) I'd take the screw cap off the end of the magneto, using the correct size Allen wrench make sure the engine isn't stuck, "froze". Can't say for sure on that 500 if that's how to check it. I'm sure there are some here that can tell you. Aefron88 for one.
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