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Everything posted by dorough

  1. Perhaps because I'm looking for positive comments?
  2. That's certainly good to know!
  3. I've read plenty of his replies to others. I'm trying to get a feel for the positive side here; not looking for airing of complaints.
  4. Mounted to the frame instead of a bed.
  5. I just bought a Massimo Buck 450X with the rear facing seats. It's brand new yet there is an awful squeak coming from under the rear. Squeaks when weight is applied or removed and also when the vehicle is in motion, mainly over bumps. Seems to be coming from close to the inside of the wheels. Anyone else experienced this or know what I should do?
  6. I just bought a Buck 450X... right before discovering this board and reading a lot of not-so-good posts. But I hope I'm right when I believe that the squeaky wheel gets the grease, and surely there must be plenty of happy Massimo owners out there and I don't need to return my new toy to Lowe's. So... if you own a Massimo and like it, I'd love to hear from you! Please let me know what you like and enjoy about it and if you've had only minor or no issues - compared to other posts I've read. Thanks!
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