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Everything posted by hs500cc

  1. did you figure out what was wrong?
  2. yes it cycles for 3 seconds. did you figure out your problem?
  3. david, did you ever figure it out?
  4. Mark did you ever figure this out? I am having a similar problem and would love to hear how it was fixed.
  5. Bob, if you find one I'm looking too.
  6. I am having the exact same issue with my 2021. no spark and the fuel pump is not priming. if i ground the fuel pump it comes on and i'm reading the same things you are at the coil pretty much. been racking my brain for three days now. A couple of things for you to check. the purple wire on the ecu black plug pin #18, it should have 12v at all times as it is a memory. i g;uess that is a common problem with that wire losing connection. Wire #15 w/b should have 12v when ignition is on. Also, there is a 9pin connector around that area that the purple wire goes to, it is prone to corosion. Unfortunately, everything i've told you did not work for me. If you want to check to make sure your fuel pump is working, you can ground the r/l wire while it is plugged into the fuel pump, it is the ground provided by cdi ~ relay.
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