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  1. That's exactly what I'm using now as well. Thanks for the input and the link. Much appreciated
  2. I guess I didn't get the original image attached but I've now gone back and added it. That item is what I was looking for but can not find it anywhere. So I went back to Lowe's and explained (again) that some type of Trailer Hitch Adapter was supposed to come with my UTV when I purchased it. I finally said that it's useless without this component (for me) and I was going to bring the unit back for a refund. At the point the sales associate was able to "mysteriously" make the adapter appear which means the next person isn't going to have one now. It's crazy how they are using a 2" ID tube which requires an adapter that has a solid tube welded that a 2" tube will slide over. I was able to cut 1/2" off of an existing 2" receiver tube and it slides over the smaller tube perfectly and allows me to add a trailer ball or anything else. Seems like a lot of work when they could have used more "standard" types of mounting and done away with these adapters etc. I'm going to attach images of this "adapter" and also an image of a 2" solid shackle hitch receiver that is drilled BOTH ways so it works perfectly for pulling trees etc. And I'm able to attach my existing lawn equipment (aerator, spreaders, dump trailer, grass sweep) with no issues what so ever. If anyone is looking for the Shackle Option here's a link (not an affiliate link or anything like that) https://smile.amazon.com/gp/product/B079FNGH9J/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_asin_title_o04_s00?ie=UTF8&th=1
  3. First time posting on this forum so be gentle LOL! I've used the SEARCH function but can't seem to find this topic. I have a new AXIS (Lowes) 500 SxS. It didn't come with the slide in Hitch Adatper (See pictured below) so I can't connect any of my existing components to this unit. The fact that they use a retainer that goes Up and Down instead of the standard left to right means I can't use standard "Reese Hitch" type slide in. Where can I get this component? I've contacted LOWES and they gave me a phone # to AXIS and I've called AXIS 3x, emailed 2x, and left 3 Facebook messages since February and I have gotten ZERO help. Any ideas?
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