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About BOW4UM

  • Birthday July 31

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  1. I'm not sure on yours but for me on my 2017 MSU 500 adding this small LED Bar Rocker Switch was easy. I just felt where the dash is and did a estimate under the 4 wheel lock device and drilled a small hole then cut out the square for the switch. It worked perfect. Looks like you have 6 blank squares. Maybe measure or drill a test hole?
  2. Live in GA, hunt in KS and I picked up a 2017 Massimo MSU500 and so far just love this thing. I'm lightly customizing it now. Definitely better than my old Grizzly 660 for my current KS hunting. Ill be picking your brains for info so thanks in advance to you pros for all your help and advice.
  3. Did the silent muffler work as expected and is it worth it? I want one for hunting to quiet it down a bit.
  4. I have a new to me 2017 Massimo MSU500 (760 miles 103hrs). Its been great so far and its exactly what I wanted. I am and have been doing some minor customizations: Line Xed the bed, Light bar with dash switch, 2" lift, Hunting graphics, 1.5" tire spacers, rear window and these items to be done soon - Rear Bumper, Quiet Muffler, Clutch Slugs, may put 10" rim on front like is on back and some sort of cargo bags. My only real complaint is mechanically it could use a bit more torque on low end and aftermarket parts are limited.
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