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About Baughes

  • Birthday September 4

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  • UTV Brand
    HISUN 2021 700

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  1. Thank you! Looks like I might be able to hit the 60 MPH I need to go with the flow of traffic.
  2. Joe, I am privilidged to live in the great state of Montana. My license plate costs a one time fee for life of $218 with the Off Road Sticker. I actually can drive the road to town in my UTV at any speed but the speed limit is 60 Mph and everyone drives it at that or higher speed. So I would like to be at the flow of traffic. In Montana you can drive your UTV on any Montana road at any speed. If you drive at less than 25 MPH you have to have a Triangle Sign on the back. You have to have lights, reflectors and at least one red light on the back of your UTV to drive at night. Baughes
  3. Is there a way to get the 2021 HISUN 700 to 60 mph on pavement? Are there after market items that anyone has that will get this fun UTV so I can take it to town? Thank you for any advice. My top speed is 50 miles per and the road to town is 60.
  4. Is there any way to get 60 or 65 mph out of a 2021 Hysun 700?
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