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Roadstar515 last won the day on November 14 2022

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About Roadstar515

  • Birthday May 15

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    Polaris, Own: Hisun Spector 750

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Community Answers

  1. Ok, understand that but who sells the tune
  2. Well coincider yourself lucky. I’ve been dealing with and oil leak which nobody could find. Looked like it was coming from drain plug but wasn’t. I finally found it coming from static cover. Damaged from factory, cover couldn’t seal properly against gasket from surface not being true to one another. Very frustrating to say the least. If the splash pan wasn’t welded solid to the frame so you could see properly, I would have found it sooner. Glad your not having any issues
  3. Great write and and pics. Thanks for taking the time to put that together. Rick
  4. https://www.amazon.com/dp/B08YNYBM5J?tag=utvboard-20
  5. Ya I think that’s the way to go with this issue. I plan on doing mine when I get back from trip.
  6. Understood, how much did you purchase to do what you did?
  7. I’ll give it a try. How come you only did the bed and not more
  8. Ya please do, like to know what you end up using for sound matting. Sends some pics when you get it done. I’m sure it would help others as well. Thanks again
  9. Hey HighSon, did you ever get that exhaust silencer you had mentioned in post 24 of yours? Inquiring minds want to know, 🤪
  10. Sounds like a plan, please post some pictures of the install and results of noise difference. Thanks
  11. That’s a far cry from just messin with the engine. Sounds like you have a few bucks in that motor. I bet it sounds and performs like a raped ape. Congrats. Don’t know if I’m willing to go that far but wanted a little bit of horse power and torque from stock. Thanks for the reply. A picture of motor would be nice to show off.
  12. Your 100% correct. It is used as a lubricant for threads. I wrapped the threads and we will see what happens. Most likely I will have to get a thicker o-ring if it starts leaking again. Just don’t understand why it is like this and nobody else is leaking seeing they use the same setup. I don’t get back to side x side to October, so I’ll see if it leaked just sitting there. My fingers are crossed. thanks for your reply
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