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Lee T

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About Lee T

  • Birthday December 21

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  1. Good, I’m glad you got it figured out. Thanks for the update!
  2. Yes, that should be enough voltage to make it crank. To double check your starter, pull the starter and bench test it with a set of jumper cables, taking the solenoid completely out of the equation. You could do this with the starter still installed if you have access to it. If you leave it installed, be sure to connect the negative jumper cable as well, connecting it to the starter housing. The key does not need to be on to do this.
  3. I would check the valve adjustment, have seen this several times before with no start problems. I know..you would think there is no reason for the valves to out of adjustment but they can be.
  4. Check the valve adjustment, it’s a common problem with many of these engines. You may think this doesn’t make sense because you have done anything to change the clearances. It’s not uncommon to find the intake side with little to no clearance. Check the exhaust side as well.
  5. Was having the same hard start/no start issues as discussed like others. Had been changing plugs trying to convince myself that was the problem. Saw the post about adjusting the valves. The intake had no clearance, appeared to have considerable tension on it. Adjusted it to .005, exhaust was at .005. Started right up, have had no problems since. Thanks to everyone for posting.
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