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motojoe last won the day on December 15 2023

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  • Birthday February 12

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  1. Yes I would replace the flywheel if the magnet is no longer there. The pick-up coil on the stator when the magnet on the flywheel pass it give out a electric pulse and also determines the engine timing the ecu if there an issue with the timing then I would check the key way on the flywheel. Second I would check the camshaft timing to flywheel to determine that your valve timing is correct.
  2. You probably need to replace the ecu since the stator give a spark pulse and the ecu is not connecting to the ignition system.
  3. If you already replaced the stator and the pickup coil make sure that all your connection are connected. Crank it over by the starter motor and hook up the wires from the stator to your test meter to determine if power is coming out of the stator, then check the coil to determine if your are getting power.
  4. On your picture I see camshaft gear and marks but on the head there should be marks to time the camshaft to. Unless that grease mark on the top of the picture is a timing mark your are out of time by at least 40 degrees. Find the timing marks on the head and line up the camshaft timing marks.
  5. Sounds like you have an air bubble in the cooling system. What you need to do is jack up the front of the side by side with the wheels off the ground and bleed the system and fill the radiator.,
  6. Just look on your original starter motor for a manufacture's name or a part number, then look up the part number on google and buy it from any of the vendors that come up BMS is usually way over priced. I have a ranch pony and have really good luck with it but most of the parts from Chinese side by sides use the same parts.
  7. Need more information: Do you have spark? Is your fuel pump working? Is your starter working?
  8. It appears that your stator pick up coil is going bad
  9. When filling the radiator to bleed the system make sure that the front of the vehicle is jacked up higher that the engine to get the air out. Sounds like you still have a air bubble.
  10. Check your connections and it is probably your starter solenoid.
  11. Take your thermostat out, it may not be working also bleed the system as you may have air cooling system.
  12. Check your thermostat, make sure that it is not stuck, to check put it into hot water to see if it opens.
  13. It appears that there is something wrong with either the carburetor or the fuel injection. If it is carburetor engine then the needle and seat is not sealing or your fuel pump is staying on. If it is fuel injected then your fuel pump is staying on when the engine is off. Either way make sure that your fuel pressure is fixed before you run the new engine or it will fail again.
  14. Look at the "Man Hole" threads and you will find a cut into the threads, line this up to the flywheel timing marks and that will be your TDC.
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