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Everything posted by JOSEPH LAMAR

  1. Ts-301 is the scanner no adapter needed. It will go above 3100 that's just when it starts to surge. And I have tried every method to reset the computer. I think I'll have to find a better shop to look at it
  2. And I reset computer with a scanner
  3. It happens around 3100 rpm it does it in neutral and in drive. I've looked at the speed sensor already. It's 4wd
  4. I have tried pulling the speed limiter and I have good fuel pressure. I have changed spark plug and coil so no problems there. Do you happen to know which wires to check the input on the tps
  5. Well I just got it back from a shop and they said it was the TPS and that I had to replace the whole throttle body. It runs fine it just bucks like hell at a certain rpm
  6. I have a 2020 axis 500 and I have replaced the TPS twice and the whole throttle body assembly once and still have code 122. I can barely drive the thing. It bucks and surges like crazy
  7. I have a hisun 500 sxs that keeps having a problem where it starts bucking under acceleration. Any ideas? And what yamaha parts can you put on this POS
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