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  • Birthday 01/23/1965

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  1. Third voltage regulator on this unit. Purchased from Lowes in FEB of 2022. At that time, I was not using a battery tender. Garage kept and would start it up and use around the yard and weekends at the hunt club property. While using in the yard, let it idle while collecting leaves, etc. while driving. unit cut off. Jumped started unit and recharged battery and checked for output voltage reading at battery. 12.3 and no change at 1k rpms. on 6/13/22 took unit to Authorized Dealer for 1st oil and filter change/ lube job along with possible Warranty Claim Work for a no charging issue. Dealer checked Battery which was, ok and replaced voltage regulator. (Listed action not part number on invoice ($140 for part). Dealer absorbed warranty claim cost until HISUN would pay the dealer. All was well. 10/19/22: previous weekend at the hunting property, the damn thing would not re-start......deep in the woods...... luckily, I had brought a battery source to jump if needed. This saved me. when back home ordered a regulator from eBay and replaced the faulty one that was the original one. Found this with additional investigating and pics taken prior to the dealer having the unit for the issue. 7/9/23: well seems the unit is need of another rectifier. Not charging the battery. had not been using a battery tender but will use it going forward. seems if the battery goes down the charging system will not bring it back, the charging system is there to maintain the battery voltage. I usually do not run the stock light during the day and rarely use the unit at night. Did add a 32" LED light bar, but have it switched and have rarely used that up to now. When I replaced the second regulator and checked the voltage output, it was showing 14.0 volts at 1K RPMs and ran well. I am hoping the third one will be a charm and that using a batter tender will keep it all happy and work as intended. Please feel free to comment, add to this string or give advice from your experience in this area. I am using a downloaded manual for the HISUN 700
  2. Lowes in Mechanicsville,VA has probably 7or 8 sitting out front.
  3. So to Jones’s point the 10HR /or 50 MILE interval is what should happen. So says my 500/700 Axis Manual. FYI. I had a charging problem. I did a voltage test with a Voltage Meter while running and it sat at 12.5. Not good. Please make sure you register your unit on the HiSun site. I had to call because my Lowes did not do all that the registration section on the HiSun site said they should have. I took it to the vendor that is Authorized to work on the unit and they verified the battery was good . After a weeks stay they called and said that the Voltage Regulator was bad and that it will be a few days. I was at 16 hrs and as a good faith gester and convince to me I asked if they would change the oil and filtered and lube the beast. Figured warranty wouldn’t pay much and an oil change would put a few bucks toward the labor . Service told me that the manufacturer had NOT responded to the warranty claim and that I would be able to only pay for the OC and Lube and if Warranty didn’t cover my repairs that they would call and be asking for additional payment. (To the tune of(225.00). 😳. The synthetic blend 10-W40 and filter change and lube was 96.67. Without a kiss or a Veteran’s Discount. Overall still glad I got the unit in FEB of 22 and use it around the house and for Hunting property maint. and eviction of a harvest. Check out You Tube Site Caseymaples19xx He has good content and shred his experience with a Axis 700
  4. The Manual for me is better than not having one, but I feel it is missing items about the EFI (not CARB) and some of the electrical references are not in the same position on the AXIS as they are shown in this manual. Still helps out. Will continue my quest for the Avis 700 (2022) model service manual. Will upload here when found.
  5. Thanks for sharing this manual! Have a AXIS 700 and I have been looking for the service manual for it. This one will work out great.
  6. I purchased one from Lowes. Axis 700. it is made by HiSun in Texas and are rebadged with several names. Got it in Feb of 22’ and used mainly for Hunting property maintenance and cruising around. Have had only one issue so far. Voltage regulator went out and local authorized dealer repaired it under warranty. For what comes with it (winch, windshield, etc.) the price is easy on your wallet. Will it last, is yet to be seen. 5 k more and a Polaris or Honda could be yours, but that’s half the price of another HiSun unit. Be Safe …
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