Okay, I could use some help over here. I'm helping my brother with a Massimo Alligator 700. We've replaced virtual everything and can't get it to run.
It all started back in November. I was making the rounds in my deer lease and after about half hour of running it cut out and died. It started back up, ran fine for several hundred yards, cut out and died again. This repeated all the way back to the truck.
Came back a few days later and started troubleshooting. I suspected water in the fuel because the machine had been stored outside for several weeks. Fuel was fine.
Symptom got steadily worse until it won't even idle.
I won't go into the incredibly long story of everything we've tried just yet but here's my immediate question. What could cause this thing to idle good, for as long as you want it to, but only with the new TPS unplugged?
The fuel pressure shows to be about 38 lbs, stable, coming from the new fuel pump to the new injector. If I restrict the return line to increase fuel pressure to 65lbs or more, all symptoms go away and it runs like banshee!