So, I finally chose to go back with flooded Trojan 605s. The extra cost and untested gamble with LiFePOP4 was not feasible. I was quoted $3k for a set of three Relion 48v LiFEPO4s and ended up getting 8 x 6v TRojan 605s for around $1400. The reinstall was arduous, with each battery weighing in around 70 lbs. In addition, fiddling around in and under the vehicle to reinstall the battery brackets was a PITA. However, the final result was that I have my wonderful EV Intimidator back up and running to full capacity.
On a side note, I aslo had to send in my DualPro charger for refurbishment. The circuit board was corroded. DP repaired it but charged me $157 because they said that corrosion was not covered under their 3 month warranty. My point is that the casing should be waterproofed and, in future designs, they may wan to not have the circuit board at the very top of the charger and horizontal. Even a slight angle may have let an water or condensation run off.
With regards to LiFePO4, I did get some excellent information from tech service at Relion. I was told that the Intimidator EV should use 3 x 48V Relions (Insight) in parallel, and would need a CAN terminal resistor and a one-button shut off. Both of which can be bought from Relion. If you do not use the on-button shut off switch you can either wait for the batteries to time out and shgut themselves off, or remove the seat and shut them off manually (not recommended as all 3 need to be shut of simultaneously, which is difficult to do with 3 batteries and two hands! - shutting two off, will probaly result in the third switching them back on again). Also, there is no need for a key in this situation. This could have security issues.
For those needing any help with battery wiring, I have added some photos of my new set up.