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  1. There is a way to get the codes from the machine without a reader/ I forget how right now but it is in this forum somewhere...
  2. 26 miles? Take it back!!
  3. Try disconnecting the gear position switch on the transmission. Mine was messing up and thought it was in low. Don't really need it unless you like the BEEP!
  4. From what I understand, a 10=0, so your code would be 0337. What it means? Don't know, I'm still trying to find a good source for info....on an automobile it would be a crankshaft position sensor code
  5. Thanks, thats the best I've seen so far, but I didn't see the 0850 code. On an automobile, it could be a MAF code. Thanks again
  6. I have a check engine light on, buggy still running good though. I found the code by cycling the key on/off three times 0850, but I don't know what it is for sure. Does anyone know where to find what these codes mean? Thanks. Dan
  7. My buck 450 is running good, however I now have the check engine light....code is 0850. Where can I find out what it is? Thanks, Dan
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