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D. Newton

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Everything posted by D. Newton

  1. View File American Landmaster - Wiring Diagrams - All Models 2021-22 American Landmaster - Wiring Diagrams - All Models 2021-22 Submitter D. Newton Submitted 11/22/2022 Category American Landmaster  
  2. 3 downloads

    American Landmaster - Wiring Diagrams - All Models 2021-22
  3. View File 2008-09 Kawasaki Teryx Service Manual and Owners Manual Here are two manuals for the Kawasaki 2008-09 Teryx ATV, Service and Owners. 2008-09 Kawasaki Teryx KRF750RAF Submitter D. Newton Submitted 11/21/2022 Category Kawasaki  
  4. 29 downloads

    Here are two manuals for the Kawasaki 2008-09 Teryx ATV, Service and Owners. 2008-09 Kawasaki Teryx KRF750RAF
  5. Hi All, Well I did some troubleshooting (shotgun work), and I got the vehicle working. I think the connect was not seated fully in the DC/DC Convertor (48v to 12V). Not sure, I disconnected and reconnected a lot of wiring connectors. See Pic1 I was using the phone App, Dashboard from Navatis to communicate with TAC2 EZ-GO RXV Controller, the green brick, it has Bluetooth. The App is not very stable, I had to uninstall and reinstall to get it to work. Just a reminder. Don
  6. Hi TapBoss, This maybe beyond field repair, the electric fuel has a restriction/clog. I had a similar problem with my Kawaski 750 Teryx (2008). I would drive a little distance and bogged down, but not die. I was able to drive at less than 5 mph back to camp. Took it in for service, and then found out the problem. The Teryx has the fuel pump in the gas tank. I was very careful in filling the tank then, using a filter in the funnel. Panty hose works as a great strainer, seriously. Hope this helps. Don N.
  7. View File American Landmaster EV (Electric) Manuals American Landmaster EV Manuals. Includes the following: Landmaster EV Part Lists 18988-EV-IPL-070522 Landmaster EV Power Steering 19330-EPS Install Instructions Landmaster EV Troubleshooting Guide Rev-A Landmaster Winch Install Manual 19148 070722 Landmaster EV Owners Manual 052121-v3 Landmaster EV Parking Brake Adjustment Submitter D. Newton Submitted 11/10/2022 Category American Landmaster  
  8. 3 downloads

    American Landmaster EV Manuals. Includes the following: Landmaster EV Part Lists 18988-EV-IPL-070522 Landmaster EV Power Steering 19330-EPS Install Instructions Landmaster EV Troubleshooting Guide Rev-A Landmaster Winch Install Manual 19148 070722 Landmaster EV Owners Manual 052121-v3 Landmaster EV Parking Brake Adjustment
  9. Hi All, again, Now the Landmaster will not engage in Forward or Reverse, less than 20 hours run time. Did a quick diagnostic with Navitas Dashboard App, problem: Bus Under Voltage Fault Description: Voltage on controller B+ has dropped below 18V Check batteries, solenoid and connections (3-1) Email problem to Navitas. Still 50% battery supply, charging anyway. Will check items above plus wiring tomorrow, sun going down. D. Newton American Landmaster, EV, Purchase Aug 2022. Extras - Power Steering, Roof, USB port.
  10. Hi All, I got the problem solved in early September, here is what happened. The Forward/Reverse switch was the problem, the Forward with not engage unless you over rotate the switch to hear the click. So, I contacted the dealer to get a new switch, would need to bring the Landmaster in for warranty repair, that was not happen. The I contacted Landmaster, via email, and explained the problem. Landmaster sent me a new switch, problem solved. Now, and a new problem, will do a new post. D. Newton American Landmaster, EV, Purchase Aug 2022. Extras - Power Steering, Roof, USB port.
  11. I have the same problem, delivered a week ago, worked fine till today, only 6 hours on display. Will go in reverse, going forward is intermitted. Switch in reverse, slowly engage the throttle, I hear a click, possibly inside the Motor Drive, the vehicle will go backwards. Switch to forward, slowly engage the throttle, no click. Will be contacting the dealer and the manufacturer. Will keep you posted. D. Newton American Landmaster, EV, Purchase Aug 2022. Extras - Power Steering, Roof, USB port.
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