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Everything posted by jmutv

  1. Were you able to hear the audio file? I’m getting an error. I’ll also be getting a mechanics stethoscope from harbor freight. Thank you for the tips! I’m not sure when I’ll do that, but hopefully soon.
  2. Agreed, I just wonder where to start.
  3. Hi Ridge Runner! Yes, ethanol free gas only. I also use Pri-G gas treatment https://priproducts.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/11/2015-PRI-G-Flyer.pdf to keep the fuel fresh
  4. Little update on mine at least, haven't had it happen again except one time when I was cranking it and stopped before the engine caught. Waited a day to try again, fired right up. I also found this article saying the fuel injectors or gummed up throttle body are common issues very similar to this: https://offroadhandbook.com/common-coleman-550-utv-problems-how-to-fix/
  5. Ugg, well at least you know what’s up. Take care!
  6. Hello there! That sounds awful! The potential for shenanigans from critters sounds like a decent potential. Do you have a continuity checker? Have you checked voltage on the battery?
  7. Hello there! I hear a low rumble/rattle when it’s just sitting still with the engine running idle. Has less than 20 hours of run time. Have a listen to the attached audio. I don’t if this is normal. Slightest amount of gas and rattle goes away. All in neutral. Shifting transmission changes nothing Engine rattle.wav
  8. Hi Steve! Similar to you, except mine only did it when it was cold(ish). If I kept it running and the engine warmed up, ran fine. Since temps are better since spring, haven’t had the issue. Wish I could help you more
  9. Thank you both for your replies! I didn’t mention in my original post, but this Maradyne Is the heater I purchased: https://www.zoro.com/maradyne-hydronic-heater-12v-2-speed-80-cfm-hf-100012-m/i/G0139120/. I kept going back and forth between it and the next step up: https://www.zoro.com/maradyne-hydronic-heater-12v-2-speed-177-cfm-hf-200012-m/i/G0139087/?recommended=true I’d like to install with purchasing an enclosure in a few months. I appreciate the input!
  10. Hello there! I am looking at adding some accessories to my 2021 550x like lights and a cab heater. I was wondering if anyone happens to know what the alternator amperage capacity is? More specifically I suppose is how much extra capacity above the stock draw is with lights on etc. I want to be cautious not to draw too much. Googling for it didn’t return anything useful.
  11. What options did you choose? That was one on the top of my list. I’m debating on zippered side windows.
  12. I’m shopping for an enclosure for my 2022 550x. I’ve so far found 3 or 4 different brands. I’ll write up a post with my findings and links. Anyone like their enclosure? Any tips for what to look for? I heard double stitching is important (makes sense). I’d like detachable doors and a zippered back window so in the summer it’s easy to have it open.
  13. Hello there! My 2022 Coleman 550x gas pedal is fairly high off the floor. It seems to be common on all UTVs I’ve been in. Perhaps there is nothing I can do because of the pedal travel, but anyone else feel it’s too high when driving slower speeds? I have to keep my leg basically hovering to maintain speed.
  14. Great idea! If you get a chance, could you post a link to the Amazon listing? Can’t seem to find Weupe brand sound proofing.
  15. Great tip! I’ve been looking at Amisol full synthetic after the starter oil is done. https://amsoilcontent.com/ams/lit/databulletins/g2880.pdf how would I know it’s rated MA or MA2? Got any recommendations? I normally check project farm on YouTube considering his testing on oils (and other products!)
  16. Hello there again! I got the cables in the mail. Strange thing though, despite it getting colder, my Outfitter is starting just fine again. Not even one time has it not started. I wonder if just getting it up to 7k for 10 seconds was enough. I really appreciate you helping me work on this. At least now I’ll have the cables when I need them in the future.
  17. Thank you so much! I’ve ordered the cables/adapters. Gonna take a while… sigh..
  18. Hello there! Thank you for your reply, I should have mentioned I was going out of town and wouldn’t be near it for a bit. I had the reverse of the issue in the past few days. It would t start when air temp was warm (but would start with gas slightly depressed). Then this morning was cool and it did start just fine like nothing wrong lol. So I put a few hours on it and now am just under 10 hours. I tried to get it to redline and lost my nerve twice around 7k rpm…. Dang that thing is loud. Is there another way to reset the ECU? Also, isn’t it bad that it hasn’t broke in, but trying to redline it? Thank you so much for your advice, I really appreciate it!
  19. Hello! I have a Coleman 550x that has about 4.5 hours on it. It's had an easy life waiting on the engine to break in. I purchased it in June and now with cooler weather coming in, it seems to be not wanting to start. If the temp outside is 70 degrees or less, it won't catch. The lights all work, no error code. I can turn over the engine and the battery is strong. If I give it the slightest amount of gas, it will start. However, if the RPM drop near 1500, it quits. I've tried running it for 6-7 mins (with the accelerator slightly depressed) to see if when warmed it up it works, but still no go. Perhaps the engine didn't actually warm up at that low of RPM and around 65 degrees outside. If the temperature is warmer, starts right up and runs no big deal as if nothing is wrong. I called coleman and they want me to take it to a repair shop and they didn't even try to troubleshoot. Any ideas?
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