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About pmburdette

  • Birthday 01/16/1983

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  1. I just purchased a 2007 Arctic Cat Prowler 650 H1 xt. The issue I'm having with it, is when I'm driving it for about 10 minutes or so it start to bog down and eventually shut off. I let it sit for 5-10 minutes and it starts right back up like nothing ever happened. However it then does the same thing bogs down and shut off. I use it at put campground where everyone drives either a sxs or a golf cart. No warning lights come on at all. I just really lost with what could be happening. I've changed out the coil pack and the fuel pump and it still does the same thing. It runs great for 10 minutes and just bogs down and dies? I need help her gang! What's going on with my Prowler?
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